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Pot-smoking toddler from Ft. Worth, TX gets 2 men sent to jail

Damn children, not only do they smoke all your pot but then you get sent to jail for it:


Second man in tot pot-smoking video gets 7-year jail sentence

02:10 PM CST on Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Associated Press

FORT WORTH, Texas -- A man shown on videotape coaxing two toddlers into smoking marijuana avoided a possible life prison term and instead was sentenced to seven years Tuesday after pleading guilty to lesser charges.

In a plea deal with prosecutors, Vanswan Polty pleaded guilty to two charges of injury to a child and three unrelated burglary charges before jury selection began in his trial. He had faced from five years to life in prison if convicted of engaging in organized criminal activity. Because he had not been convicted of a felony, he also could have received probation.

"It's a sad case from any angle that you look at it," prosecutor Darrell Davila told The Associated Press. "Now that the case has been resolved, justice has been served and the children can move into a better life."

Polty's attorney Timmie White did not immediately return calls seeking comment Tuesday.

Polty, 20, and a teenage uncle of the children, then 2 and 4, were seen in the video that was found in early 2007 by Watauga police searching a house during a burglary investigation in the Fort Worth suburb. Drug tests performed on the youngsters revealed they had marijuana and cocaine in their systems.

The video shows one of the teens lighting a marijuana cigar in the 2-year-old's mouth, then laughing as the child coughs. One teen then tells him to pass it to his brother, who also smokes it and coughs, as the teens laugh. The youngsters keep smoking, and one teen asks, "You want that candy? You got the munchies?"

The children, now 4 and 6, are being adopted by another family after their mother terminated her parental rights late last year, said Marissa Gonzales, a Child Protective Services spokeswoman. The woman never participated in the CPS requirements such as parenting classes that would have allowed her children to return home after their removal, Gonzales said. The mother has claimed she was asleep in another room at the time and was not charged in the incident.

The toddlers' uncle Demetris McCoy, 18, was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to injury to a child and burglary charges this summer and had agreed to testify against Polty. Davila said he could not comment on the juvenile who videotaped the incident but said his case had been resolved.

Polty was charged with two counts of injury to a child causing bodily injury, a charge with a maximum 10-year prison term, and three counts of burglary of a habitation, a charge with a maximum 20-year prison term. Then about two weeks ago after talking to witnesses again, prosecutors indicted Polty on the charge of engaging in criminal activity to combine the burglary charges and increase the penalty, Davila said.

If Polty had been convicted of that charge, prosecutors would have introduced the video and other evidence of his giving pot to the toddlers, Davila said.
I saw the video on the news the other night , it did not sit well with me yet far worse is gong on in the world. Have you heard the latest on the Natilie Halloway story, the missing chic from Aruba. She was supposably sold to someone....... Shame , she was good looking girl...
DickT said:
I saw the video on the news the other night , it did not sit well with me yet far worse is gong on in the world. Have you heard the latest on the Natilie Halloway story, the missing chic from Aruba. She was supposably sold to someone....... Shame , she was good looking girl...

Yeah heard that story. Sad. Same age as me too.
Fucking arseholes like that need to be publicly flogged, then hung drawn and quartered. Stuff like this makes my blood boil.
Lol, wonder if we could just get AJ to drive across town and force-feed him some of those superhots. That might show him what it's like to be made to ingest something you shouldn't.
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol, wonder if we could just get AJ to drive across town and force-feed him some of those superhots. That might show him what it's like to be made to ingest something you shouldn't.

I reckon sit em down and plant some bamboo under their worthless butts...or shove bhuts up their butts...
I remember my reaction when I first saw the video they took...words can not express the pain in my heart I felt...

On a good note, the little boys were removed from the home and are with a couple that are adopting them...
I have kids if I found out that happened to my babies there would be blood shed. I would do terrible things to those that were responsible.
I ALWAYS feel the most sorrow for the children of A-holes. I have seen some horrific things that "Parents" subject or expose their kids to. I always have wondered why our government doesn't require a license to reproduce. We need a license to drive a car, get married, own a gun in some instances, etc, and etc...But not to reproduce. Children in those situation ARE the true victims.
stillmanz said:
I have kids if I found out that happened to my babies there would be blood shed. I would do terrible things to those that were responsible.

: takes the joint back from Stllz' kid :

: crushes it up :

:pretends he didn't give the kid anything :

stillmanz said:
its cool to joke about that sort of thing IGG cause you wouldn't actually give a toddler something like that.

IGG would sooner sell his kids to the government for scientific experiments before he would give up weed to them.

Cheers, TB.
stillmanz said:
its cool to joke about that sort of thing IGG cause you wouldn't actually give a toddler something like that.

texas blues said:
IGG would sooner sell his kids to the government for scientific experiments before he would give up weed to them.

Cheers, TB.

I feel lucky to have friends such as you people that know me so well that I would never do such a dishonorable thing. It's a nice feeling, it really is.
imaguitargod said:
I feel lucky to have friends such as you people that know me so well that I would never do such a dishonorable thing. It's a nice feeling, it really is.

All the background are not in yet...............