Potawie's summer of 2010

Now that its summer I thought I'd start a new thread. For those interested here's a link to my early progress, and also for me since I'm having a terrible time with the new forum's search function

Things are getting quite wet and cool in Potawie-land but I can't complain, its been much better than the previous few years. My main focus this year is on growing lots of tomatoes and Numex/Anaheim type peppers, and things are starting to look really good

Here's some opalka tomatoes which are my main variety again.


Another pic of my Kapowie arrowhead. I just can't get a pic that shows the hundreds of peppers on this monster

Whippet's tail. Nothing huge this time

Big chile


This new garden area is quite far from the house. Its mostly Numex and Mexican peppers (and a pumpkin and an eggplant). The garden itself is a work in progress but the space itself is being well used and I have my water tower setup now too


Pumpkin(seeds came from from a nearly 1000 lb pumpkin)
DANG !! POTAWIE ... I'm so envious ! Every time I see pictures of your grow it blows my mind. I was very wrong on my thinking about Canada. I thought it was to North , had to much rain , or was to icy to do much farming. You keep showing me I was wrong . Very glad things are going well.

P. Dreadie
I sure hope I like these Sahuaro peppers since they are growing faster than any other pepper variety this year

Big Zac tomato fell over and broke from all the weight but its still alive, barely.
Very nice Potawie!! Everything looks great! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress and harvest.

What? A 1000lb pumpkin. Maybe you should grow that thing on a pallet so you can use a forklift to put it in the oven!!! I've gotta see how that beauty looks in a few months. This is my first year to grow pumpkin. I grew three plants in a 8'x8' patch and it quickly overgrew that. Next year I'll just plant 1.

Your plants look great POTAWIE!! :clap:
Thanks everyone

What? A 1000lb pumpkin. Maybe you should grow that thing on a pallet so you can use a forklift to put it in the oven!!! I've gotta see how that beauty looks in a few months. This is my first year to grow pumpkin. I grew three plants in a 8'x8' patch and it quickly overgrew that. Next year I'll just plant 1. Your plants look great POTAWIE!! :clap:

I've never had much luck over the years with the "Dill's Atlantic giant" sold in stores so this year I mooched a couple seeds from a generous member of a giant veggy forum and so far they're looking good. For truly huge pumpkins apparently you really need to baby the plants often with with night shelters and soil heating cables

That NuMex chile is gorgeous! You plan on roasting those at home don't you?
I'm a huge fan of roasted red Numex/Anaheims, just not so fond of green chile. I usually roast mine on a gass grill but am considering building a roaster if the harvests get huge
Your plants are looking very nice. Those tomatoes are looking very good too, I wish I would have started a few tomatoes instead of buying them this year. Mine are just starting to get a few tomatoes on them now. By the look of it you are on your way to a nice harvest. Today is the first day that my temps haven't reached the 80's. We have 2 days of 70 with lows around 45, before it returns back to normal.

I feel for you with an extended cool wet period. I'm just glad that for me our cool spell is suppose to be short lived and not wet.
Weather is crazy hot in Potawie-land, around 100F every day which is not normal, but the plants seem to like it

Chinese 5 color

Caribbean red



Awesome plants Potawie. Please tell me more about the Chinese Five Color. I would love to grow that one. Looks so cool. How does it taste? Heat?