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Praetermissum #?

I wasn't sure if this was rocopica or what till the flowers opened.
Now I know this vine is Praetermissum.

I'm not sure where it came from (Jukka or Beth), but it does grow like mad, even for me.:!:
Lovely Praetermissum my friend,Not sure which variety but the vine aspect Denotes a really healthy plant and the L.E.D Panel seem to
be doing there job really well :)
imaguitargod said:
You actually have to do alot of chemistry to it ;)

If you're talking about converting it to what is commonly found on papers, what's found in morning glory seeds is the wrong thing to start with. From what I've read to get to D from A, it takes a lot more work than if you start with a different substance. Or so I've heard.
imaguitargod said:
I was referring to Morning Glory's..... ;)
Oh I thought you meant another kind of creeping weed.
Morning Glory seeds are everywhere this time of year.
Here is another shot from today that shows more of the plant:
Still in a vegetative state but flowering anyway, these flowers will probably fall off too, until the plant feels mature enough.
There is enough red and blue now to make the plant grow and fruit at the same time, but my temps are too low me thinks.
Anyway here are some pics that may give a clue too. They aren't exactly what I should call blinding huh? Cool pics of the same shot at different resolutions after clicking on the different thumbs. I'll try this bulb and flower close-up effect again on a different flower for better focus, until then: