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fermenting pre-frost green peppers, fermenting?

I have a bunch of green habs and ghost peppers . . hate to waste em so I was going to sauce them . . was thinking I'd roast them to get some flavor and then ferment. . thoughts?
well, here is what we are going with. plus some daikon in the ferment 
Might want to add a starter culture when using roasted peppers/veggies. Lacto B is very cold tolerant but not so much when it comes to high heat. A couple tbs of natural kraut juice and a tsp of sugar (or a little fresh fruit) works wonders for kicking off a ferment.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Might want to add a starter culture when using roasted peppers/veggies. Lacto B is very cold tolerant but not so much when it comes to high heat. A couple tbs of natural kraut juice and a tsp of sugar (or a little fresh fruit) works wonders for kicking off a ferment.
Thanks yeah I thought the same and added some juice from an escabeche ferment and saw raw daikon