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Predicting the winner in the race

And I bet you thought this was going to be about a couple of guys! :hell:

It hasn't been two weeks yet but the all-blue LED panel has such a huge lead on the all-red and red/blue panels I'm almost ready to order the lights. The leaves are 25 percent wider while the plants are at least 10 percent, maybe 20 percent shorter.

My transplants seem to have survived the move and have actually grown a hair or two.

Sweet and thanks for the update.Got 24 plants in the basement trying to keep them alive.Best of luck and keep us up to date. Rich

I can't say as I haven't measured how many plants I can grow under one light and compared that to the cost. But I'm gonna guess the 14-watt. With the 45-watt, (and I'm using the red/blue panel) the plants need to be no closer than about six inches, at least if I wait until they have grown a bit before putting them under the panel. At that distance, the light is only going to cover about an 18-20" area. The 14 watt will cover a 14x14" area.

Plus, the cost is a huge factor. I bought my 45-watt panel for $55 (it was used a bit) but new 14-watt ones go for about $30. The 45-55 watt ones now are going for about $90.

For seedlings, I will use the 14-watt. But if I want to grow fruit, they simply will not cut the mustard.

But my test has taken a strange turn since I repotted the plants. The red/blue panel is holding its own against the all blue one (forget the all red!). This test may long as last as the average high school football season.
