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preservation Preserving Tomatoes For A Couple Days w/o Refrigeration

hey yall
I am doing a giant batch of sauces 1200 5 oz bottles on Sunday.  I have weighed out my recipe and washed all my veg.  I cut the ends off of all my tomatoes, which are perfectly ripe and ready to go.  However, since I have 2 days, and no refrigerator space, I am contemplating either, leaving them in my food grade 5 gallon tub in the garage with a lid on them as is OR blending them with vinegar (since this will happne in the cooking process later on anyways), and storing that in the 5 gallon bucket, unrefrigerated.
Does anyone see a problem with this? The vinegar should preserve the blended tomatoes just fine correct? I am also thinking, since it will help cut down time in the commercial kitchen, of havling my 60 limes and juicing them into the 5 gallon jug as well.  
Thoughts?  Thanks so much
If they are fresh they should last 2 more days in a cool dry place. Make sure you have a plan B. Whole canned tomatoes available.
The Hot Pepper said:
If they are fresh they should last 2 more days in a cool dry place. Make sure you have a plan B. Whole canned tomatoes available.
I forgot to mention I am doing 2 large cooks with these tomatoes. 1 of them is this sunday (2 days from now) and the other is tuesday (4 days from now).
On day 1 process/cook all the tomatoes and refrigerate the puree. Use half and on day 2 use other half. Consistency. 
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only the very end is cut off where the vine grows out of. they look completely fine now, I cut them about 24 hrs ago.  this is why I asked if I should jsut blend them in vinegar until cooking on sunday??? it should preserve them right? no problems that I can see - was just seeking another opinion
FGpepperguy said:
Best of luck with the sauce! Ill pick some up if I see it in a PDX store!
Thanks bud! We are currently stocked in Herb Stomp, and next week we will be at Helvetia Farm Market in Hillsboro.  We will also be at farmers markets this summer, Kenton, St Johns and Lents. 
ALSO > Yes all these tomatoes were tossed and I bought fresh ones for the cook.  They were completely fine, but I figured it's better to be safe than sorry.