Some superhots $10-$15/lb. depends on quantity, quality, variety....
Recent quote from a large scale grower for 20+ pound order was $13, plus shipping.
Local wholesale prices for locally grown jalapenos in season (for me purchasing from a local farmer to the tune of ~200 pounds) is $1.50. They sell at the FM for $2/lb. I could beat 'em up a bit on the price, but I'd rather have some really kick butt peppers to work with and keep the money local. The same farmers bring me habaneros (generic oranges and some reds) for $6.00/lb. They usually bring about 20 pounds of habs.
These same farmers are indirectly responsible for some new pepper ventures. End of the season, they asked if I wanted a "few" more pepeprs. I said sure, maybe 10-20 pounds, bring them by next week after market. They showed up with about
80 pounds of assorted chiles.

What the??What the heck am I gonna do with all that?!?!???
oKAY!!! Dried peppers in the ghetto dehydrator, cold packed pickled peppers, candied peppers.......
uh oh...gonna get in trouble for hijacking.....again.....
BACK on topic! SUPERHOTS...