Prices of fresh peppers by the pound

I wasn't sure which forum would be the best place for a question like this, but since it is about business, I went here. I have seen price lists with people selling fresh peppers in flat rate boxes, but I haven't seen prices listed of super hots by the pound. Can some of you guys give me some ideas on what might be general prices by the pound for things like Scorpions, bhuts, brain strains and reapers? I know these would all go for more than habs but beyond that, I really have no idea. I have someone wanting Yellow 7 pods by the pund so I guess I am more interested in this one, in particular, but having a few prices for these others, and whetever else you know about will give me a decent perspective on all this. Thanks for any input. Tom
I have been ordering from Great prices and I always get them quick. As a matter of fact I just got some in the mail today that I need to pick up :)
I am interested in an answer to this question too.... I think hes asking how much he could sell them for... not what someone with 100 acres of peppers can sell them for...
The answer is always the following, what someone is willing to pay. If they will pay $20 then so be it, $10 - $15 per pound seems pretty normal depending on the super hot. 
Well at least for my own part... I am going to be selling pods/plants at the flea market next year... and I am wondering what a fair price would be (one that people would go for).  You see... for me (being a somewhat small-time gardener)... selling my peppers for $10 a pound would barely be worth the gas money... let alone the nutrients, time, and effort put into the peppers...  So in the context of a farmer's market/flea market I was thinking a flat rate of a dollar a pod would be acceptable for super-hots..... thoughts?
I think you all are missing the point... the question is: at what price you can sell your pods to local people?... like i said.. of course anyone shopping online for fresh pods will go to bakers or pepperlover... because they have tons and tons of pods coming form acre upon acre of farm and they can afford to sell them at as low a rate as they please...  But we folk who produce maybe 30 (!?) pounds of pods a year out of our 650sqft gardens cannot afford to sell them at those competitive rates.  So is there anyone who has had experience selling pods at farmer's markets or flea market who could let us in on what people will pay on-location? 
Try it at a dollar a pod, my only point is that 10 pods of mine > 1 pound. It is just a hard question to answer because there are so many variables. Give it a shot and start high then as the day moves forward lower if there are no bites.
I dont believe for a second that 10 of your super-hot pods weighs greater than a pound...   I just went and weighed 12 pods between the size of a golf ball and a tennis ball and they barely cracked a quarter pound... lolz...
But anyway.... the more I think of it... I should do rates based on rarity/exoticness of the pod... so that my primos and reapers would be the ones I charge a dollar for....... 90 cents for other superhots... except for the ButchTs, which i can sell for a little cheaper since its the best producer...  and habaneros, scotch bonnets, cayennes, tobascos, jalapenos, serranos, etc will sell for a little less than grocery-store prices... to draw them in...
Its funny... my brother went up to the local flea market the other day and saw a lady who was running a pepper stand.  Well apparently they were standing there when some folks showed up and asked her "where her scorpions were"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She didnt have any  :rofl:   So yeah.... hahaha.... I may even get a booth this fall when production peaks :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: ;)  right now Im enjoying stockpiling my freezer with gallons of pods for making hot sauces/relishes for christmas presents XD
Yeah not sure what I posted it was before I had my first cup of coffee down. :)  I did just weigh 4 different types of 7 Pots and 10 was equal or greater than a 1/2 pound. I do agree, the harder the pod is to come by if it is stable the more it should fetch. Jay's ghost scorpion last year was all the buzz.
 Most local people do not want anything to do with superhot exotic peppers. Jalapenos and milder peppers do better IMHO. 
Yes, I'm nopt worried about selling these to the people on this forum, who are the biggest experts in the world, I'm just thinking about local people I know around here. None of these people have heard of these sources, even though this one guy who wants the yellow 7s used to buy flat rate boxes from Dale, but Dale doesn't sell that type any more. Yellow 7s are larger than many of the other peppers and after weighing a batch out, 63 peppers weighed 583 grams, which is about a pound and a quarter MOL. When I sell my flat rate boxes to people, this time of year I'm getting about 45 peppers to a box and the smaller peppers are more like 55 to 60. In the winter, I think the record for numbers was like 84 or something because the same peppers that time of year just aren't all that huge. So, just in the boxes, I'm getting about 50 cents each at best and I'm figuring a per pound price would be lower than that since I'm selling more in each order. I'll look at those sites, but I'm not trying to beat the lowest prices people have ever heard of, just sort of a good, average price. I'm rather small time right now. I have about 300 plants, so that isn't really small time, but I'm dinky compared to people who have acres of these things. This is my first full year to sell fresh peppers so this whole year was sort of an experiment to see if I want to do this for a living at all, or just as a nice hobby. If I did REALLY well, I have the capability to do at least 5 times the amount I'm doing now without having to build any more structures, or that kind of thing. At least I AM able to produce peppers 12 months a year and will have more business from pepper people during the winter. Tom
Noah, i found if you get those pint containers like some grocery habs come in they can sell at flea market pretty well, saw in a market in wisconsin someone had them for around 5-7$ a pint. which depending on the pod is around 1$ each but people prolly think its a better deal.
Its a shame that some come along and drop the price at cut throat rates, its unnecessary and they could sell them just as well at existing prices

The same principle as diamonds, there are enough diamonds in the world they should be 5 dollars a karat, but the de beers family was smart enough to figure out they would only be cutting their own throats in the long run, and its been working for over a century

Sorry if my opinion is not popular
I've sold Bhuts 2 for $5 at a local farmer's market. Got rid of a few. No one around here grows superhots or knows what they are. I suggest having a sample pod and a jar of toothpicks. Let anyone curious stab the sample pod then put the toothpick in their mouth. It blows people's mind how hot a super's oil is right on contact.