PRIME RIB, the Red Meat-ing place

That little bastitch is up to 96º F. Merry Christmas! I'm hammered as F^%$%# and it;s 10:44 now,.... NO SANTA YET! Christmas eve night, A bon fire outside, Got the outdoor music hi-fi playin the Jonny Lange, Ella F., Alan Jackson, Brian Setzter crankin, and the BBQ is twirlin my meat.... Goin checkin...

(Imagine my avatar sideways..... Melekalikimakaakaakkkaaaa
Where da hell is teh prime rib? I didn't make one, so I am living and eating vicariously through you Scovie. AND I AM HUNGRY!
Ok, I incorporated all of your ideas. I made a "paste-rub" with cracked black, garlic, garlic salt, paprika, my chili powder, espresso powder, fresh cilantro, canned chipotle peppers, Jonas 7-pot, Texas Creek spicy worchheesstterr sauce,


Rubbed'er down and poked'er...



Low and Slow...


Be right back....

Look at that! I mean LOOK AT IT!
Reason #1 why I'm not a Vtarian....




Merry Christmas Y'ALL and thanks for the ideas!
Now go do yours Jay!!!!!
now that's the way to start the morning, with some great meat porn!

I'll be back this evening with my double racks. ;)

(Mornin', Scovie and CJ, Merry Christmas!
HOLY S#@& SD. THAT THING LOOKS RIDICULOUS. My mouth is watering over your meat.....wait to much even for me. HAHAHAHAHA.
Wow that looks terrific! Rotisserie even! I can dig it. I am not doing one today, but one will be coming this week I can assure you. Blackened chicken today. And beer. Wait, its 1:30 and I haven't had one yet!
Can't wait to see your double racks SL..... Prime Rib goooood.

Thanks guys, it was ridiculous. Best Prime Rib I've ever had, and I'm not saying that because I made it. The heat was perfect, and the flavor of all the rub ingredients went so well together, it was AMAZING. Even at midnight when we finally got it together enough to sit down to eat.

Anybody know how I can edit / change the name of this thread?

Merry Christmas.
Can't wait to see your double racks SL..... Prime Rib goooood.

Thanks guys, it was ridiculous. Best Prime Rib I've ever had, and I'm not saying that because I made it. The heat was perfect, and the flavor of all the rub ingredients went so well together, it was AMAZING. Even at midnight when we finally got it together enough to sit down to eat.

Anybody know how I can edit / change the name of this thread?

Merry Christmas.

Go back to the the first post you made in the thread and edit. You should be able to change it there.
Oh my God, this really makes the boat roasted turkey pale in comparison.I would've said add some real smoked powder to the rub.....but by the time I got to the end of the screen started to back away from me, quaking in fear!!!!!!!!I will now be tormented by flashes of prime rib until I have some...the haunting has begun!
ask and ye shall receive...


tis the season~ :cool:

and....unfortunately that's about all you get until I can get the rest of the pics off the crackberry......

look for a couple more in DC-
Words like; glistening, bodascious, juicy, etc. are popping into my head. So all I'm going to say is... Nice 2bbl rack....
OKAY!!!!! okay....
here's some lame cell phone pics-

Saturday, Christmas eve on the deck, warm sun, ocean.....nice!....


Another pic of the "goods", they were stabbed and stuffed with fresh garlic cloves, with some slivers of habs and jalapenos in a couple slices.


Rubbed with olive oil, salt, garlic, pepper, marjoram and oregano. Made some more of the same and tossed with carrots, parsnips and red spuds. No onions as one person is deathly allergic to onions.

Had to cook in 2 pans, heres the one with the veggies around-

(camera battery was dead by now, so there were lots of cell phone pics taken of the table with the slices of roast beast on the plates. Everyone wanted a bone, but each slice was HUGE! It looked like a Flintstone's dinner with those slabs of beef. We all ate about half of each slice, and saved the rest. If I can get the rest of the family to sober up long enough to email pics of the dinner table, I'll edit them in here. :lol: )


My "white elephant" gift-
$5 in a 1.7 oz woozy. :halo: