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Princess Faten

Does Anyone know something about this pepper? I got some seeds from "Pepperlover.com", but cant find pictures or a description anywhere.
So far i just know its a freaking hot "anuum".  :P
The smell of the "rest-flesh" on the seeds was very aromatic, the seeds are small.
I got some seeds with my order from pepperlover too.  I don't know anything about this variety and I'm not even sure if I'm going to grow it this year.
Zackorz said:
I asked "pepperlover" and they said it is a small and colorful pepper. So an ornamental i guess.
Thanks, I am another lucky member who had received those two freebies from Judy;)
  • Bob's Pickling (makes me think as a variety suited to be preserved in vinegar such as Capsicum annuum "Cherry Bomb")
  • Princess Faten (Very small seeds and this name sounds like an ornamental, but maybe that's just my suggestion).
I should sow these varieties in March or April 2016, and by August I should get the first ripe fruits.
Im excited about the outcome :-)
I hope you guys will post pictures about "princess faten", because i dont have the space for this chili this year.
I have not heard of them before, so they may be a new offer, I'm surprised that Judy didn't have more info about them. There is about a million varieties of C. Annuum var.??? and some new ones are being discovered coming from the Mid East region.  