to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard!
Back in the day (when I was around 11), I used to have some lizards myself... a male Jackson's chameleon (watching it feed was the coolest thing ever!), and a green iguana. I always wanted snakes as well (the traditional ball python or Colombian red tail boa), but my mom made it absolutely clear that was 100%
not an option - 'not till I'm 18, or living on my own!'... haha. I would have happily settled for a smaller species like a corn or milk snake, but that too was denied! I actually had some initial inclinations to be a herpetologist, but those crazy teen years have a way to quickly change ones interests!

I can only wish I would have gotten into breeding back before the internet was the main means of connecting sellers and buyers, and ads or classifieds in Reptile magazine for example was the more typical norm. A LOT of money could have been made - especially being involved from such an early time and being well established, and then getting involved in the explosion of all the various 'morphs' over the years! The friend that introduced me to reptiles in the first place did just that with panther chameleons (& I think leopard geckos)... made plentiful amounts of $$$. It seems now the market is over saturated; everyone and their dog has a small business breeding something! I still check out sites, flip through magazines, watch YouTube vids, etc. to occasionally see 'what's new', but that's about it. It about the pepper 'morphs' these days...
Best of growing this season with your peppers, hope you get some nice harvests!