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problem - maybe

i have been hardening my plants off slowly outside - i got home today and moved them outside. i noticed that a few plants don't look right. they are 3 Jamaican Scotch Bonnets. the 'veins' in the leaves are turning brown. the veins only are turning brown. parts of the leaves are pale yellow. the rest of the leaf and veins are green. what should I do?
lee said:
post a pic.




alright got it.

if you can't see what i'm talking about very well i can go ahead and resize or take different pics.

the droplets are just water
alright - i'll tell the wife to keep the shades closed for the next couple of days - when inside their in sunlight in the afternoon.

Yep sunscald. I have some of that going as well. This weather has been terrible. One minute it is cloudy, the next it is sunny, then all of a sudden rain.
peter pepper said:
alright - i'll tell the wife to keep the shades closed for the next couple of days - when inside their in sunlight in the afternoon.


as long as they are not in direct sunlight... they would be fine outside as well if you just have a shady spot...

i find my plants are liking the shade more then the direct sun..

i even found that out to be the case last year with my BHUTS.. All of them grew better in the shade.. possible reasons for this i dont know ? but im thinking they were not hardened off correctly..
i keep all my plants under the eve on the side of the house.....so they get morning and evening sunlight......the scorcher heat during 10 AM to 4 PM in Trinidad is blocked out........

however that scorcher heat comes in handy when germinating seeds.....my average germination time is probably 7-8 days with that kind of sun.....
i think i'll take the advice of outside, but in the shade. after about 3 my deck is in the shade - i'll move them to the table after that.

is this problem gonna kill off my plants or just slow them for a bit? peppers seem pretty hardy to me.
They might drop a few scalded leaves, but I think they'll be fine, and any new growth they put on outside will be acclimated to their new conditions. It's hard not to worry, but if you go slower with their acclimation now, you'll have nothing to worry about.