Problem with dried, curled leaves


my name is Zoltan and I live in Slovakia (Central Europe). This is my first post in this forum.

I´ve always enjoyed spicy food and chilli peppers and not long ago, I made the decision to grow my own peppers. The idea came very late (late June), but I´ve decided to plant some relatively easy to grow chillies this year, and even if I won´t get much from them this year, maybe I can overwinter them and most importantly, I´ll gain some experience (I´ve never grown anything at all before). Next January, I´m planning to plant some more interesting peppers (like 7 pots, Bih Jolokias etc). At the moment, I have 8 Kung Pao, 8 Purple Serrano and 15 Hot Portugal plants.

I have a problem with 2 of my little Kung Paos. As you can see in the pictures, their leaves are drying and curling. They were on a windowsill from the inside and they were exposed to very intense sun between 2pm and 5pm. I don´t think that the soil was not moist enough, maybe the strong sunshine damaged the leaves...what do you think? For the time being, I moved them onto a windowsill what gets direct sunlight in the morning.

The other thing is, my Kung Paos have a significantly longer stem than the others and they seem instable. I started to expose them to wind generated by a fan to try to harden them a bit.

Thank you very much for your help and suggestions!
Best wishes!



Yeah, probably the strong sun was too much for them at this stage. Just keep away from direct light for a while and they will recover. The fan is a good idea, but just a gentle breeze for a few minutes a day at this stage. You can gradually increase it as they get bigger and stronger. The maximum I ever gave mine was 30 minutes every few days before they went outside. Everything slow and easy with peppers regarding exposure. They don't like big dramatic changes to their environment.