Product Testers FOUND for new product

Yep, I checked the tracking this morning its in PA now. New Stanton wherever the hell that is. I think that may be neat Pittsburgh.
Well, I finally got to try Pure Evil. I must say it is interesting. I added ten drops to a cup of Ramen noodles. At first taste, it has a nice mild heat. I then let it sit for about ten minutes to cool down a little. It actually did get hotter. I then tried five more drops. More noticeable heat. It seems to hit all over my tongue from the tip to the back. It didn't change the flavor at all. I added five more drops and now the heat is right where I want it. I think this is very good for adding to soups. I could still go a bit hotter, but it is pleasant right now.
I'm thinking SL, to 4X or even 6X the potency, and keep the dropper bottle thing going, (maybe not blue), but it's kind of cool. Maybe another round of testing?
4X would be plenty I think. I like the blue bottles. I am still intrigued as to how it gets hotter as it sits.
yea, the blue bottles were by default as they were bottles I had on hand... Clear bottles with the dropper, fo' sho'....BUT gotta get the product to do what I'm envisioning......

I think the heat is in there as has been described by a couple people. It doesn't come out on/in the mouth, but the stomach/body knows it's there. How to get the heat to release in the mouth.....

(back to the lab....) I do have some higher concentrate product I just started working with. I'm going to use it as some of the taste testers did and see how it works.

In anticipation of another thread here, I bought some Frank's Red Hot sauce. Made some wing sauce and added some drops to part of it. Basicaly, melted butter and Frank's sauce, with some drops in half of the sauce. I'm REALLY curious how hot it will be in the morning, as I didn't get much heat change tonight.

STRANGE thing~~~~~
I wish we had a chemist that could explain this weird phenomenon. I know one, I will ask and see what he thinks.
When I make it to Seth's I will try to acquire some to test in my hand lotion for the arthritic knuckles(that's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
OK boys and girls, I'm here to tell you, we got home from work yesterday to find another little blue bottle on our doorstep. THE PURE EVIL IS HERE, and it's flippin EVIL!!!
I guess this is batch #4 and it's nothing like what she's done so far, well, it's exactly what it was before, just HOTTER. I would say it's easily 10 times hotter.
I'll leave it to SL to explain what she did to it, but Holy Crap, I actually caved and had to have 1/2 & 1/2 & sugar after 1 drop on my tongue. Still was feeling it an hour and a half later.
Evidently :drunk: I called her and left a message that she hasn't deleted, I want her to somehow post that recording... who's with me?
I haven't put it in or on anything other than my tongue, I will do the exact same test w. V8, that I did with the other stuff.
Sounds very interesting. Someone should try a drop or two in a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. I could see those being fun with an after burn effect. Nice experiment Salsalady!
There will be another limited number of testing bottles after this weekend, limited because I only have a few more blue bottles on hand.

Based on people's comments in their reviews, I have reformulated the recipe a couple more times, and it seems to have done the trick as was expressed by Scoville DeVille's phone message. But I think I can make it even hotter than what SD tasted, so I want to do another batch.

I'll be traveling this weekend, but come the first of the week, I'm planning on getting the next Much Hotter test batch out.

Thank you for everyone's responses. It's R & D, and I appreciate everyone's input.
Very cool. Well if its possible for me to test the next batch I would love too. By the way, I love the look of the blue bottles. very unique! :onfire: