Prolific supperhot variety's

Im looking for some prolific super hot variety's. 
Ben reading the forum for days,  But with the similar names it gets confusing. I already bought 4 variety's but think I could have chosen better ?
Bhut Jolokia Ghost Peach WM    --- I think I did ok with this one but should have chosen standard red
Chocolate Moruga   ---   ? ? ?
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI   ---   I confused this one with some of the more modern hotter hybrids ?
Carolina Reaper   ---   Dont produce well ?
 Would the 7pot brain strain be a goo choice as a prolific super hot ?
Any input would be appreciated.  
Welcome to the forum. I grow two of these. The TS CARDI and the Carolina Reaper.
The scorpion is plenty hot and quite delicious. I'm sure the Butch T looking scorpion with the stinger is hotter but after a certain point, it don't make a whole lot of difference. Neither one will hurt you as bad as the reaper.
I haven't found either one to be prolific first year but do very well second year. I think they will really kick butt third year. Maybe as I get better at this, my first year plants will do better. We'll see.
Prolific varieties I have grown and have proven year after year
7 Pot Jonah
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Yellow
Sunrise Scorpion
Peach or Chocolate Ghost peppers
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
Jays Red Ghost Scorpion
Yellow Moruga Scorpion
7 Pot Primo Yellow
7 Pot Burgundy
I have had different experience with Reapers myself, I sell peppers at Farmers Market and I have grown Reapers for a few years.... I dont consider it a great producer, they are on the small side and it takes alot of them to make a lb of peppers to sell.  You have to grow a ton of plants to get good volume.  If you're the casual grower and just looking to grow and make some powder and hot sauce for personal use the Reaper is great for that. 
Just my thoughts with varieties I have grown.
All of the varieties you mentioned can be great producers, just make sure you feed them and the soil.
Brain Strains are one of my favorites as well as red and peach Bhut Jolokias.
Be patient. Most superhots produce late in the season. Unless you can grow them in pots and protect them when a freeze is eminent, overwintering is a good choice.
Best of luck with another year of growing.
 Thanks for all the insight
Im interested in the overwintering, will they survive the winter if the whole plant is top killed, and the pot is brought in for the winter ?  or do they need live foliage to survive.
   I already have most of my sunny windows filled with overwintering plants and electric rates are sky high hear.  I do have a small greenhouse thow.
As far as variety's im just going to buy alot of varitys and see what works for me, and save the seeds I like,  hopefully atleast. 
Im looking for some prolific super hot variety's. 
Ben reading the forum for days,  But with the similar names it gets confusing. I already bought 4 variety's but think I could have chosen better ?
Bhut Jolokia Ghost Peach WM    --- I think I did ok with this one but should have chosen standard red
Chocolate Moruga   ---   ? ? ?
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI   ---   I confused this one with some of the more modern hotter hybrids ?
Carolina Reaper   ---   Dont produce well ?
 Would the 7pot brain strain be a goo choice as a prolific super hot ?
Any input would be appreciated.  
For your first choice, in my opinion you made the right choice.  The Peach Bhut to me is far superior to the red.  Everything about it I like better, it tastes better, its as hot, probably hotter.  My best plant of Wicked Mike's strain this year easily put out over 300 pods, was extremely prolific and a lot of the pods were very big.  They are also thicker walled than a standard bhut so you get a lot more pepper flesh per pod.  I am partial I guess, but I think this is one of the finest superhot peppers a person could grow.  Not sure how many people on here have grown it, but a lot have probably tasted it as Mike sells a lot of pods on here and I don't think too many people have been disappointed with this one.  If you want to try them, watch for his sales in the marketplace, he's in South Florida so likely will be selling pods off and on all winter long and you can't go wrong with anything he has to offer.
Choco Moruga hasn't produced extremely well for me in the last 2 seasons, so not sure if its prolific, others may have had better luck.
Reapers have been hit or miss, seems they do great for some, not so good for others, I would say overall for me they have been about average, 50 to 100 pods per plant maybe.
jcw10tc said:
For your first choice, in my opinion you made the right choice.  The Peach Bhut to me is far superior to the red.  Everything about it I like better, it tastes better, its as hot, probably hotter.  My best plant of Wicked Mike's strain this year easily put out over 300 pods, was extremely prolific and a lot of the pods were very big.  They are also thicker walled than a standard bhut so you get a lot more pepper flesh per pod.  I am partial I guess, but I think this is one of the finest superhot peppers a person could grow.  Not sure how many people on here have grown it, but a lot have probably tasted it as Mike sells a lot of pods on here and I don't think too many people have been disappointed with this one.  If you want to try them, watch for his sales in the marketplace, he's in South Florida so likely will be selling pods off and on all winter long and you can't go wrong with anything he has to offer.
Choco Moruga hasn't produced extremely well for me in the last 2 seasons, so not sure if its prolific, others may have had better luck.
Reapers have been hit or miss, seems they do great for some, not so good for others, I would say overall for me they have been about average, 50 to 100 pods per plant maybe.
I acquired Wicked Mike Peach Bhut seeds for the 2017 season, I cant wait to grow them.  I am a big fan of the Peach Bhuts in general, I agree with all your comments.  The Peach Bhuts I grow are large and smooth, they arent impressive looking but produce like crazy.  When I heard about the Wicked Mike strain I knew I had to have and grow them. 
I grew the Brown Moruga this year, I have never grown the Choc Moruga but I got about the same results as you did with the Brown. 

catherinew said:
All of the varieties you mentioned can be great producers, just make sure you feed them and the soil.
Brain Strains are one of my favorites as well as red and peach Bhut Jolokias.
Be patient. Most superhots produce late in the season. Unless you can grow them in pots and protect them when a freeze is eminent, overwintering is a good choice.
Best of luck with another year of growing.
Sorry to hijack but when you say they produce late in the season, do you mean they drop flowers until they are ready or just produce flowers later?
September/October are my best producing months for my Superhots. The plants don't usually drop flowers unless it's too hot so they stay in the shade from about 12 - 4pm. We're much closer to the sun at 5800 feet so shade helps.

To answer your question - my plants produce flowers later, and some do drop in higher heat and high winds.