Promotion for HP22B

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PepperJoe sez"They didn't apply for the Guiness book of Worlds records so let's talk apples to apples"

I'm not sure if there was any costs but if so it was minimal. You could ask Neil, Woody, Gerald, or Jim they've all been there and done that
No worries. Did not actually mean to come off as attacking you. Im just tired of seeing post about winning the world record when most membere here care less abd what we really want to know is where pods originated from whst the flavor/heat is. We should hsve the mods create a section for eotld record BS so it does not clutter the rest of a good forum.
Honestly, this forum is for people to discuss the latest and greatest in pepper news. If Joe has some info that he wants to share, then by all means, share it.

The only issue I would have is if a distributor comes on here and hypes a new pepper and then once it is up for sale he controls all sales and then offers it for something stupid high like Jim's 30 dollar Morouga.

Let me be clear, I am not saying that this is what is happening, I am just saying that I like the fact that people come here and talk about stuff like this. It is all good UNLESS it is done with ulterior motives.

Joe, please keep us posted on this thing, sounds like an interesting development.
Yep ol' Joe has a right to say just about anything he wants on this forum. I and everyone else has a right too.

Couple of things, all of you folks who were sure this was a joke, how do you feel now that Joes says it isn't?

For the most part I've enjoyed the lively debate going on around here concerning the TS Morouga Blend. I doubt if I'll ever know everything concerning it but for now I believe and trust what Chris has been saying about it.

The things I read in Joe's original post that influenced my remarks in my first post was the apparent arrogance exhibited. Only Joe is cool enough to "do" lunch with these two guys, only Joe knows the name of the new wanna be record holder, only Joe knows that all superhots come from China, only Joes has friends that will pay up to $30K to fast track a Guinnes record. Only Joe knows.

Passing on new information is wonderful, I live for that stuff. Bragging that you're the only guy who knows it doesn't usually lead to a civil conversation.
Couple of things, all of you folks who were sure this was a joke, how do you feel now that Joes says it isn't?

Same as I did before, really. I still think he said it somewhat with a wink & a smile as oppossed to arrogance. I guess one can read into anything through the lense of their choosing though. I prefer Hanlon's razor though and rarely assume I'll intent about something I read on the web.

Arrogant? Bragging? Man, go back and read the post again. You are reading WAY too much into it.
And you're clearly in the minority.
I didn't like your original post...not a little bit... that said:
"What a crock of shit. This is an epic dick move".
Man, you seem argumentative and you definitely overreacted.
I don't care if you have 5,000 posts. Your opinion is no better than mine.
I'll go back to what I said earlier, you want to talk one on one...get in touch.
Again, I'm sticking with the intention of these share information and be supportive and respectful of other members.
I nearly spat my tea out, rarely do i actually laugh when on the netz but yeah that one is a pearler!

oh and for the record i think that the almighty Douglah may be "the one".
He tell me most peppers that we call Trinidad this or Trinidad that...actually originated in China. How does her know? He does the DNA testing himself.

Joe, this is the part of your post I don't believe...I don't have any comments about the rest...

If this guy really has DNA proof (I don't know how, but then again I am not a geneticist), then I betcha a dollar to a donut, Paul Bosland would like to see it...

I am wondering if this guy has read much history on peppers...Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727–1817), a Dutchbotanist, erroneously named the species in 1776, because he believed that they originated in China...I know you can't always trust Wiki, but I do on this one....
All humor aside, if nothing else I think this topic shows how deeply passionate folks here are about peppers & the myriad of reasons why.

I hope everyone can take a step back & appreciate that before anyone says anything they'll later regret. I've not been her long but this is quickly becomming my favorite place on the interwebs, and it's 100% because of the people.

Can't we all get along?
I agree a hundred per cent Lucky Dog, my partner now says to me "Don't tell me, you're reading about peppers again", then I explain to her that this forum has all the drama, intrigue and passion of a great narrative. I guess like any human narrative there'll be hubris, glory, failure and humility along the way (sometimes all within the same thread if we're lucky :)

Did some people forget to put their big boy pants on today?....Some people just want to feel important and argue over shit. "Wait! Wait! I KNOW MORE THAN YOU! I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG" Some people must have been jipped in the trouser's ;) I am not talking about anyone on this site....wait where am I....oh am I posting on THP....I thought I was on FaceBook posting some BS no one wants to read.......carry on.

*Disclaimer* This is a total and udder rant and should not be considered aimed at anyone.....except for you BERNIE MADOFF.....YOU'RE A DICK!
i'll give credit where its due ....good way to drum up business Joe and get some free exposure, while Chilli's are all over the news, new members are probably trolling the boards in greater numbers and a lot of people are interested in the record debate ....
although with the amount of shit those two business men fed you , you must be stuffed full :D they should sell ice to the Inuit's ........ #DISCLAIMER# No offence intended ;)
Joe, this is the part of your post I don't believe...I don't have any comments about the rest...

If this guy really has DNA proof (I don't know how, but then again I am not a geneticist), then I betcha a dollar to a donut, Paul Bosland would like to see it...

I am wondering if this guy has read much history on peppers...Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727–1817), a Dutchbotanist, erroneously named the species in 1776, because he believed that they originated in China...I know you can't always trust Wiki, but I do on this one....

  • Capsicum chinense Jacq. Cit. Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis 3: 38, t. 67. 1776.

The Europeans, at that time, thought the peppers came from India ... Only in 1889 they realized that instead came from South America

In particular, Jacquin believed that this species originated from China

But now it is assumed that this is a botanical-historical mistake :D

These days I'm reading so many things .... is a little enjoy

I think instead, that is the race to hottest pepper to make money ... and then just make a cross and say that it is found in China and the game is done

I've had some cultivated in Italy ... want to see who is a native of these parts :D

However, this is not an attack to Pepperjoe ... it is not my intention ... everyone has to say what he thinks or knows ... and then discussing it with friends ... only that the news should be filtered
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