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Prune shoots on main stem?

Some of my pepper plants (bhuts, habs, 7pods) have small shoots near the bottom and along the stem. The pic below is from my aerogarden, but the same thing is happening in my 5 gallon pots and raised bed. Should i prune them or just leave them? I know for fruit trees you prune them so the main stem gets more energy to grow.

I generally leave them and let them become a "main stem" as well. Also, if you look at many others photos you will see many shoots off the main stem down near the soil line, it helps a plant bush out a bit more.

Here are some shots from years past of mine.



open center is another pruning method
you posted before you have
had height issues with this aerogarden setup
why not remove the 'tall' stuff out of the equation now
and grow "bushy bushy bushy" :dance: :crazy:
I would say yes that they do draw energy and food and try to pinch them early, but if they are far along and especially growing more vertical than horizontal then I would consider sparing them for their contribution to the "canopy" or fullness. Always trim the low stuff for the same reason and to minimize crawling bug traffic.

Good luck
I'm just going to let mine grow for a while. I'd rather have a bushier plant anyway, as a tall plant is likely to be knocked over by the wind in my area (or at least, if it does get knocked over, the damage would be less severe with added bulk). If I do any pruning, it will be to remove stems growing inward, to open up the middle to more air flow and remove extra foliage obscured by the canopy growth, the trade off being that peppers would form along areas of new growth, too. I think the same logic applies for pruning in general- having lots of stems and foliage touching just encourages pests and diseases to move freely around the plant, but for young plants it's probably better to let them establish before you go hacking away at them.
I can't wait for the time of season when I have this issue. I love bending them over to get multiple coming off so they bushy.
I've read some posts recently promoting short bushy plants over the taller ones. Was said the tall ones consume more of the plants energy than the shorter bushier types. Personally I'd like to divert the plants resources more towards pod production!!

That's my 2 cents!
