
I'm new to this forum, but am in my third year of growing peppers. About 2 months ago, I purchased three seed packets (Carolina Reaper, Red Jellybean, Peter Pepper) from Puckerbutt Pepper Company's website. I received the first two, and instead of the Peter Pepper, I received Red Jelly Devil seeds. I contacted them once via their website, and got no response after 3 days. I recontacted them the same day, and later got one response to each inquiry from 2 different people (One from Curtis, the other from Ed Currie). Both told me they would send the replacement seeds (Ed also offered the option of a refund if I so desired). Once I responded, I was assured new seeds were being sent out that Friday. Another 3 weeks went by, and no seeds. So I emailed them again, and I was sent another email assuring me the seeds would be sent out the Friday of that week. It's been another month now, and I have still not received the seeds or a refund. I'm sure that since I'm a low volume customer, my order gets less attention, but either way, I would expect things to have been cleared up by now. I have had mix ups before with other vendors and have had them corrected in a timely fashion. Hopefully when I contact them later today, I can get a response and have things finally taken care of, but for now it's not looking promising. Hopefully others don't have the same issues I have had.
I have ordered 2 years running from them with a good germination rate even with my inexperience with the super hots.
out of the 10 I planted the first year I had all but one germinate. I managed to kill all but 5 of them after re-potting them, but that was my own doing. The 2015 season was about the same for germination, but I over watered the seedlings and lost all but three.
Whoa - just saw this topic bumped and saw my own posts in here.....funny, my posts here are from back before I started making Black Label, my T.Scorpion sauce.  Since commenting here, I've purchased 100s of lbs of T.Scorpion pods from Ed, and he's always been an honest and fair businessman. Without boring everyone with the details of how hard it can be to source superhots in large qty, I'll just say Ed Curry went above and beyond on more than one occasion. 
Recommended vendor. :cheers: 
But then there is . .  . .  . .
You got 40 people growing your strain,I mean really now ?
Just saying . . . . . . .  2 growers 10 min from me,seriously ?
OBAMA = WAKE UP !!!(pepper folk)
I ordered seed  this month and received them.  Only complaint is that they don't give you much seed.  I was hoping to share some in a
Christmas swap on another forum.  I did get some nice selections from Chris's rare section though.
Ordered some seeds from Puckerbutt.  They shipped the seeds out promptly.  Check out the card that was included and pay specific attention to the Pro Tip.  Interesting....

I have never had seeds not germinate using a 24 hour soak, then damp paper towel method. I dont get it, unless they are trying to sell you a seed starter kit or something or their seeds are old? (This is not a hate on Ed post, I respect the man greatly just curious as to why they would negate a tried and true method)
wrinklenuts said:
I put mine in plastic containers with a wet paper towel a the bottom and seeds sitting on top of the paper towel. I got the idea from buckeye pepper company. Thats how they started all of their seeds. Works for me.
Hey, definitely wrinklenuts.  I was just making a joke based on the post before mine.  Bpiela posted some of puckerbutt's packaging materials that have a "pro tip" advising not to try to start seeds on paper towels because "it really doesn't work," when obviously it does.
CaneDog said:
Hey, definitely wrinklenuts.  I was just making a joke based on the post before mine.  Bpiela posted some of puckerbutt's packaging materials that have a "pro tip" advising not to try to start seeds on paper towels because "it really doesn't work," when obviously it does.
Yea, it totally works. Btw, there is a lid on the plastic container. I dont know what puckerbutt is thinking.
The first time I did the paper towel method, I had several turn into black fur-balls.
I was experimenting at the time, and didn't soak in peroxide or chamomile tea.
I can see how a seed vendor would want to steer the newbies to methods that generate fewer disputes in their experience.
i wanted true reapers this year so i figured it would be best to just order from the creator
they are pretty expensive 6-8$ per seed packet, bleh
red reapers - one plant is great perfect pheno, one plant doesn't have tails
yellow reapers - one of my most vigorous plants, a bit larger / blocky shape than red reapers. a bit less bumpy than red reapers. not sure they are really the exact same as red reapers since the size / shape is different than red reapers...
choc reapers - one plants is great perfect pheno, one plant went red
peach reapers - is is definitely not the same as red reapers. very little bumpy surface, pods are not indented shape. 
so i guess i've learned that not even puckerbutt sells stable reapers... uhg
guess i'll stop recommending them to people
It's simple:

If I want 7 Pot Primo seeds I go with Troy Primo.
If I want Reaper seeds... Well, I'd still trust more Jim Duffy, Justin White, Semillas and Neil Smith over puckerbutt.

Ordered 2 times (Reaper and Chocolate Bhutlah SM when he was the only one selling) and had unsatisfactory results with both.
Not on my vendor list, ever.
I was thinking about picking up some seeds off puckerbutt this year, given issues with pepper joe last year. Anyone have recent experience for 2019/2020? 
Were the peppers true? Was germination acceptable? Did the peppers turn out to be what you paid aka reaper was a reaper not a habanero etc? 
Do they actually yield the seeds off their own plants or buy in from elsewhere like many big places seem to do these days?