
I'm new to this forum, but am in my third year of growing peppers. About 2 months ago, I purchased three seed packets (Carolina Reaper, Red Jellybean, Peter Pepper) from Puckerbutt Pepper Company's website. I received the first two, and instead of the Peter Pepper, I received Red Jelly Devil seeds. I contacted them once via their website, and got no response after 3 days. I recontacted them the same day, and later got one response to each inquiry from 2 different people (One from Curtis, the other from Ed Currie). Both told me they would send the replacement seeds (Ed also offered the option of a refund if I so desired). Once I responded, I was assured new seeds were being sent out that Friday. Another 3 weeks went by, and no seeds. So I emailed them again, and I was sent another email assuring me the seeds would be sent out the Friday of that week. It's been another month now, and I have still not received the seeds or a refund. I'm sure that since I'm a low volume customer, my order gets less attention, but either way, I would expect things to have been cleared up by now. I have had mix ups before with other vendors and have had them corrected in a timely fashion. Hopefully when I contact them later today, I can get a response and have things finally taken care of, but for now it's not looking promising. Hopefully others don't have the same issues I have had.
Joshuap2000 Finding people you can trust is hard and it's hard to interview People while taking care of a young daughter paying for lab tests to prove the HP22B is the hottest and running a company I would hate to be in his shoes....I have never met him in person I have never purchased from him and I am not defending him but I like the pictures of his greenhouses/grow setups on Facebook.
Hey, I said I was never going to log in, cause I just start receiving emailed threats and anger and such and I dont need it in my life. I am REFUNDING ALL ORDERS THAT PAID THAT SHIPPING and SUCH, I never approved of it and Tyler's email is the first I heard of it. Had to do with they switch with UPS and USPS to straight weight ordering so the customer paid wha it costs, All the seed orders were messed up since then and the refunds on ALL of them will start MONDAY. Joshua, hope all is well brother, I sent the name of the nutrient soil and mix via text to you, I'll forward it again. Tyler, I checked all the PM's and Emails I could find with you, no mention of it, I also looked for your original order and couldnt find it, do you have an order number handy, so I can research ? They guys and gals keep a list at the store of all the call ins I give them for resends on seeds to and cannot find you on that. I sincerely apologize for any ball that I have dropped. The comparison between me and Pepper Joe, my friend, is a little out there though, LOL. Hit me on FACEBOOK, I wont be logging in again sooon.
One thing, two of the people who complain about me on these forums are also growers for Pepper Joe and have actually reached out to me for advice on making the plants produce. I think it kinda crappy to complain about my service in a public forum, but ask me for advice on growing and actually be working for the guy who "got them seeds". Which were actually my seeds when I delivered them to him.
Ed Currie and PuckerButt Pepper Company are both top quality and have impeccable reputations. Forget that Ed and I do business together and partner up and are friends. He's a guy of high integrity and runs a top notch organization. I've toured his farms and have visited his operations and he probably is the best in the Country. You'd have to look hard to find anyone more passionate about hot peppers. And what he is doing in development of new and exciting Hot Pepper varieties is nothing short of amazing. Give PuckerButts your business and you won't be disappointed. His Hot Sauces are delicious and the one's I've tried are all natural.
I ordered some reapers and dorset naga seeds.  Took about 10 days to get across the country, which is about normal.  Seeds were well packaged.  I've got 4 reaper seeds started so we'll see how the germination goes.  I'm happy with the purchase.
I ordered Reaper seeds direct from PB,surprised to find 14 seeds and 3 hulls
I have one 3" plant to show for it,only one that popped in almost 3 months since I started germ.
Started brown Moruga's the same day,planted the 5 I germ'd with in 9 days
Same with 5 Brain Strains,5/5 popped,planted and growing steady
Like my glog had said, this is the first time growing any kind of pepper or plant for that matter. My first order of seeds was through Puckerbutt and I had maybe a total of 70 seeds. I sowed 50, 40 germed and are doing well. Reapers, 7 pot barracks, infinities, yellow brain strains, choc bhuts...the only ones that didn't pop were Yellow Devil's Tongue but I had 100% on Reapers and overall 80% on 50 germs first time out. My seeds came in under a week and I now consider PB 1 of 2 vendors I will always go to.
i ordered reaper seeds from puckerbutt on may 3rd 2014 and got them in the mail on may 16th, not bad considering how far they traveled, they have been germinating for 3 weeks now and still nothing, im hoping they pop soon, but i was a little disappointed when i opened the seed package and there was only 6 seeds in there instead of the 10 i had ordered, i contacted them yesterday and still waiting for a reply, but i have faith they will respond and all will be right, this is the first time i have dealt with them and it was ok. im not going to jump for joy over the experience, but at the same time i am not going to disrespect the company either, mistakes happen, and as much as we all like to think we are perfect and we never make mistakes, we ARE HUMAN and we ALL make mistakes.  
I was wanting to grow some of these superhots as well and thought were better to go then the source?  Placed an order with Puckerbutt and at check out I noticed that I put the wrong address for shipping.  I quickly called the number listed under contact and spoke with a man that said he would fix the issue for me.  I then also sent an email from the form on the website letting them know of the mistake.  About 2 or 3 days later I received a confirmation email saying that my peppers shipped, and to the wrong address.  I quickly shot off another email and this time got a quick reply with an apology and that they would send to my correct address.  A few days later I received my seeds and with anxious wonder I opened up the envelope to see 10 seeds.  I paid for 20.  I sent another email with no response.  I sent another email again a few days later with no response.  Finally I sent a third email with a reply that simply said that their records indicated that I received my seeds already.  I sent another email letting them know the issue, that I paid for 20 seeds and received only 10.  No reply as of yet.
  Not trying to say anything one way or the other about Puckerbutt, just relating my experience.  Granted it is only $6 bucks that I am out, but I still want my other 10 seeds.  We will see.
IIRC the reaper seeds I ordered from Puckerbutt direct had about an 80% germination rate and took 3-4 weeks before I ever saw a single one pop up. They have been slow growing until about a month ago and finally exploded. They are now some of the biggest plants I have growing outside right now. Definitely the bushiest!
Update to my original post here.  I never heard anything back from Puckerbutt via email.  And called once but seems they may been closed.  THen the day after I made the post I got 2 packets of seeds in the mail.  So, while they may not be good at communication, they did make it right.  Cant wait to germinate!
I've had good experiences with these guys every time I've ordered from them. Twice for sauces, and once for seeds. I got two free packets of Carolina Reaper seeds with my seed order! Big thank you to Ed and the crew!
I ordered one pack each of Reapers and Choc Bhuts beginning of June. After 3 weeks they had not arrived(New Zealand) so I sent them an email and they shipped off another batch which arrived 2 weeks latter.
Both the reapers and Choc Bhuts had a 80-90% germination rate in 6-8 days.
Couldn't be happier  :)