
I'm new to this forum, but am in my third year of growing peppers. About 2 months ago, I purchased three seed packets (Carolina Reaper, Red Jellybean, Peter Pepper) from Puckerbutt Pepper Company's website. I received the first two, and instead of the Peter Pepper, I received Red Jelly Devil seeds. I contacted them once via their website, and got no response after 3 days. I recontacted them the same day, and later got one response to each inquiry from 2 different people (One from Curtis, the other from Ed Currie). Both told me they would send the replacement seeds (Ed also offered the option of a refund if I so desired). Once I responded, I was assured new seeds were being sent out that Friday. Another 3 weeks went by, and no seeds. So I emailed them again, and I was sent another email assuring me the seeds would be sent out the Friday of that week. It's been another month now, and I have still not received the seeds or a refund. I'm sure that since I'm a low volume customer, my order gets less attention, but either way, I would expect things to have been cleared up by now. I have had mix ups before with other vendors and have had them corrected in a timely fashion. Hopefully when I contact them later today, I can get a response and have things finally taken care of, but for now it's not looking promising. Hopefully others don't have the same issues I have had.
darkchile said:
I was thinking about picking up some seeds off puckerbutt this year, given issues with pepper joe last year. Anyone have recent experience for 2019/2020? 
Were the peppers true? Was germination acceptable? Did the peppers turn out to be what you paid aka reaper was a reaper not a habanero etc? 
Do they actually yield the seeds off their own plants or buy in from elsewhere like many big places seem to do these days?
I'd like to follow up to my original post several months ago. I did end up picking up a packet of the organic red carolina reaper seeds and their red ghost pepper. I planted 11 seeds of each (what came in envelope). I had planned to grow out a few and cull unnecessary ones. I varied the planted from being in happy frog starter soil, on a heat mat, domed with a temperature sensor to keep it around the 85-90 range. I also planted some using the paper towel method in a folded wet paper towel, in a ziploc bag. The paper towel ones, again, I had on a separate mat and heat controlled via sensor.
The soil I planted almost 30 days ago now, and the paper towel about 18 days ago now. I'll be honest, I found the germination so far to be extremely low. Of the 11 reaper seeds, only 3 germinated; of the 11 ghost pepper 0 germinated. Mind you I planted seeds from my own collected, sandia seeds (including seeds from 2 seasons ago), refining hot chiles, bohica pepper hut, primos peppers. All sources other than pucker butt germinated at much higher rates. I was hoping to get the isolated seeds "pure" from the source, and trying 2 different types just for humor sake, very disappointed thus far in germination. I'll be giving a bit more time then calling it quits on those because I've wasted enough time on what appears to be bad seeds or very old. Just thought I'd give a heads up if anyone was still purchasing.
Similar experience here... Someone got me a pack of red reaper seeds from puckerbutt as a gift, planted 6 of those as well as 6 seeds that i saved from my reaper last year (that plant is now 4 years old, don't remember the origin of the seeds). Puckerbutt seeds: 1 out of 6 germinated, my own stock: 6 out of 6 germinated. In addition to those 4 out 4 moruga, 5 out of 6 charapita, 2 out of 2 7pot pickle, 1 out of 2 MRM, 2 out of 2 jigsaw, and 2 out of 2 primotalii have germinated so I am confident it's not my process that's the issue...
darkchile said:
I'd like to follow up to my original post several months ago. I did end up picking up a packet of the organic red carolina reaper seeds and their red ghost pepper. I planted 11 seeds of each (what came in envelope). I had planned to grow out a few and cull unnecessary ones. I varied the planted from being in happy frog starter soil, on a heat mat, domed with a temperature sensor to keep it around the 85-90 range. I also planted some using the paper towel method in a folded wet paper towel, in a ziploc bag. The paper towel ones, again, I had on a separate mat and heat controlled via sensor.
The soil I planted almost 30 days ago now, and the paper towel about 18 days ago now. I'll be honest, I found the germination so far to be extremely low. Of the 11 reaper seeds, only 3 germinated; of the 11 ghost pepper 0 germinated. Mind you I planted seeds from my own collected, sandia seeds (including seeds from 2 seasons ago), refining hot chiles, bohica pepper hut, primos peppers. All sources other than pucker butt germinated at much higher rates. I was hoping to get the isolated seeds "pure" from the source, and trying 2 different types just for humor sake, very disappointed thus far in germination. I'll be giving a bit more time then calling it quits on those because I've wasted enough time on what appears to be bad seeds or very old. Just thought I'd give a heads up if anyone was still purchasing.
I'd like to point out that I did contact pucker butt and they are sending me new seeds, so they do back it up, but the problem is having that bad of a germination to begin with. I am starting some sweet peppers today and i had some PB choc bhutlah CS's i wanted to start, but i dont' dare waste the space even in a small bag on 1 of my heating mats, simply because it's 8 weeks to spring, can't waste valuable grow time now.
I'm glad i'm not the only one having issues with seeds this year. After the debacle of last year's pepper joe seed issues, I thought this year was going to avoid that.
I've also had good luck with Puckerbutt, I just email Ed directly and he responds in a timely fashion.  Love the no frills super hot sauces and most of the seeds I've gotten have turned into nice plants as well except some Moruga seeds which had 0% germination after a month on 80 degree heat mat.  Still, that's not nearly enough for me to write them off, the reapers and bhuts are kicking @$$.  FWIW...
Kramer said:
I've also had good luck with Puckerbutt, I just email Ed directly and he responds in a timely fashion.  Love the no frills super hot sauces and most of the seeds I've gotten have turned into nice plants as well except some Moruga seeds which had 0% germination after a month on 80 degree heat mat.  Still, that's not nearly enough for me to write them off, the reapers and bhuts are kicking @$$.  FWIW...
I don't doubt they are a good source, I just had a bad experience this year and was letting others know. From my experience past year & this, the seeds remind me of old seeds or bad seeds because the germination is so low. The plants are also not a vibrant as my others from other sources right now growing either. I had a month with 3/11 reapers and 0/11 ghost. I did receive replacement seeds in mail that I'm going to be trying, but right now i'm sitting on 2 months until plant-out, so it's later than I would've liked to start the plants indoors.
Following up to my original post. The replacement seeds have about a 50%+ germination rate so far, but it's only been a week. They're better than original seeds. I'm guessing the rest or a large portion will germinate in the coming week. Puckerbutt did honor replacement seeds and they seem like a better batch than the original sent to me.