• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pulpiteer's grow log 2012

I thought I'd do a grow log this year, since I've enjoyed reading the ones that other folks do. I'm up in Michigan and last year was able to get the plants in the garden in mid-May, but that isn't a sure thing. I'm starting a bit early, but I want the plants to be a good size when I do get them in, so that I don't have to wait until later in the Fall to harvest. If we would've had an early frost last year, I would've been in trouble. The grow log puts a bit of pressure on. If this is a tremendous failure, then it'll be public. I've been gardening for awhile, and had great luck with my peppers last year, but I'm taking a giant step up this year, so we'll see.

Here is my grow list:
1. Douglah x4 Ajijoe
2. Scotch Bonnet (Y) x4 Pepperjoe.com
3. Cherry Bomb x4 Farmers market
4. Bhut Jolokia ® x4 Dshlogg
5. Trinidad Scorpion (Red)x6 Ajijoe
6. Trinidad Scropion (Peach) x6 Ajijoe
7. Chocolate Congo Habanero x6 Ajijoe
8. Caribbean Red Habanero x6 Ajijoe
9. Aji Pineapple x4 Ajijoe
10. Peach Bhut Jolokia x6 Ajijoe
11. Naga Morich x4 Dshlogg
12. Scotch Bonnet (Y)x8 Refining Fire
13. Jamaican Red Mushroom x8 Refining Fire
14. Jamaican Chocolate Habanero x8 Refining Fire
15. Thai Dragon x4 Dshlogg
16. 7 Pot (Yellow) x4 Masschilehead
17. Avery Island Tobasco x4 Masschilehead
18. Aji Limon x4 Dshlogg
19. Devil's Tongue x4 Dshlogg
20. Fatali x6 Totally Tomato
21. Red Rocoto x6 Totally Tomato
22. Scotch Bonnet (Red)x4 Hotstuff
23. Jalapeno x4 Dshlogg
24. Bell (various) x20 (I'll buy the plants in the spring)

This website has been tremendously helpful. After some contact with MJDiamond83, I ordered some CFL bulbs. They are 100 watt bulbs that put out the equivalent of 400 watts of light, 6500 on the light temperature, I believe. I get a shelving unit on sale last year from Lowes, some pvc this year from Menards and ordered some mylar emergency blankets off of Amazon (10 for $8) and put up a cheap frame that gives me two levels, with the CFL on top and some florescent strip lights on the bottom. With the lights on, it gets to about 84, and with them off its in the mid 70's. I hope that's enough to get the seeds to pop.

Here's a shot where you can see the three lights and the mylar around the three sides. For the front cover I just have a mylar sheet that drapes down and it's all basically enclosed.

Here's a shot of everything planted. For the most part I have at least two seeds in each cell, sometimes a few more than that. I figure I can cut down if I have too many that germinate.
You can keep your hornworms whether or not they fly for you! I came home after being gone for a week and got out to the garden at dark...found several plants stripped of leaves. Grrrrrrrrr!

Great looking foodie pics Andy! I really need to attempt some jelly soon. You are going to love those Bishop's Crown pods! The pod is very mild while the placenta has a good kick. Amazing, sweet flavor. Try eating the pod starting with the lobes at the bottom and working your way in. Your plants should be taller than you soon too. Mine is over 7' and still going up. A must grow from now on!

John, I have run a couple half marathons and one full marathon barefoot. It's the only way to go on smooth surfaces! Teaches you propper running form. Alla, more likely to be Team 7 that shows up... :shh:
That's a lot of tasty stuff your making there, Pulpiteer. Great job, I just might give that peach hab jelly a try when I harvest some habs :D

Thank you - go for it, it's wonderful!

No need to worry about Shane. He is probably somewhere running with broken glass in his shoes,and fire ants in his gutchies.haha My bad,he probably isn't wearing either!! Was it your intention to give us sensory overload with this update? This was quite enjoyable....plants,pods,food,family,art,etc. Thanks for a good coffee break my friend.

Thanks Pr0d! Glad you enjoyed it. Always good to have you stop by.

That's what I'm talking about!!! :dance:

I will be making a batch of this for sure, as soon as those Peach Habs ripen up for me. So is the 2 quart measurement on the peaches after peeling, pitting and chopping or before? How does the heat on this jam compare to the Lemon Drop and Blackberry Scorpion?

Judging by the lids on those jars, I'm guessing you have hard water issues like I do. I can usually tell when it's time to change the house water filter, by how much mineral deposits I have on my jars when I pull them out of the canner. I've found it comes off easiest right after the jars are removed from the boiling water bath. I just gently wipe them with a damp paper towel. Once it dries on there, it's much harder to remove.

I thought I might hear from you Bonnie. I think I'm going to try a cranberry rocoto jelly after seeing your cranberry jelly concoction. Looks wonderful! It's nice to meet other pepper jelly lovers.
You're right about the hard water. Some of those lids were kept in boiling water on the bottom of the pot to keep the jars off the bottom before I got a better water bath set up.

The 2 quarts is after peeling, pitting and chopping, so it takes a few peaches. The heat on this was definitely the least of those three jellies, with the scorpion jelly being the greatest. If I were to do the blackberry scorpion over, I would only use half the scorpions. The pepper flavor was stronger than I wanted and it battled the blackberry flavor more than I cared for. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your jellies as well.

they all look very yummy!! :dance: :drooling:

Thanks Joe! Lots of peppers from your seeds this year - including the peach habs and the scorpions.

one of the best and entertaining glogs yet, love the Douglah peppers, where is a good place to get those seeds

Thanks - glad you dropped in! I got the douglah seeds from Ajijoe. I think he's still got a seed sale going in the marketplace - great variety, great guy, and great prices. I'm not sure if pepperlover.com has them, but I've had really good luck with her seeds as well.

DELICIOUSSSSS!!!!! :fireball: :onfire:

Thanks! I'm loving the pepper jellies - had some with cream cheese and crackers tonight while watching some college football.

You can keep your hornworms whether or not they fly for you! I came home after being gone for a week and got out to the garden at dark...found several plants stripped of leaves. Grrrrrrrrr!

Great looking foodie pics Andy! I really need to attempt some jelly soon. You are going to love those Bishop's Crown pods! The pod is very mild while the placenta has a good kick. Amazing, sweet flavor. Try eating the pod starting with the lobes at the bottom and working your way in. Your plants should be taller than you soon too. Mine is over 7' and still going up. A must grow from now on!

John, I have run a couple half marathons and one full marathon barefoot. It's the only way to go on smooth surfaces! Teaches you propper running form. Alla, more likely to be Team 7 that shows up... :shh:

Ugh, sorry to hear about that. I found out that the hummingbird moths are not from hornworms, so never mind. I'll keep them and leave the hornworms to other people. When you get made at the worms, you need to read about that one type of wasp that lays eggs in them and the larva eat the hornworm alive. It's comforting.

I just had my first Bishop's Crown tonight, and I really did enjoy it. You were right, mild, very good taste. It's a must grow for me from now on too. Great plant and great pods.
Great to hear from you Shane!
No I hadn't heard that story, sounds like a good one. Being Methodist and living in Savannah you get to recognize John when you see him.

Have a great weekend Andy, sermon ready?

I am surprised to hear that the Peach Habanero Jam had less heat than the Lemon Drop! I would have thought it would have been in the middle heat wise between the other two jams. Maybe I should tweak that recipe a little when I make it?
No I hadn't heard that story, sounds like a good one. Being Methodist and living in Savannah you get to recognize John when you see him.

Have a great weekend Andy, sermon ready?


Hey a fellow Methodist *secret handshake* cool. Just finished the sermon. I know, a little late, it was a weird week.

I am surprised to hear that the Peach Habanero Jam had less heat than the Lemon Drop! I would have thought it would have been in the middle heat wise between the other two jams. Maybe I should tweak that recipe a little when I make it?

I think that is really due to the amount of peppers in each recipe. I probably could've used more peach habs, but on the other hand it makes it more tolerable for people with a lower tolerance. The Lemon Drops also seem to carry their heat through the sugar very well, which is part of what I love about the lemon drop jelly. The Peach Hab was not really that hot at all, but I'm not a good judge of that anymore my wife tells me.
Alright, I'm back :party:

This past Sunday I went out and did a little harvest of just a few varieties and here is what I have:
Top: Harold St. Bart Habs, Jalapenos, Aji Lemons
Bottom: Red Rocoto, (2) Devil's Tongue Hybrids, Bishop's Crown


I've got like 100 other plants to harvest from, but I wanted to make jelly again.

Pear + Harold St. Barts = Harold St. Pear



Cranberry + Red Rocoto = Red Crancoto



I'll do recipes later. Here is the finished product:


I grilled the Bishop's Crowns stuffed with cream cheese. I also added some golden treasures - sweet peppers that came from free seeds with my order from Totally tomato. I love these peppers. Very sweet and delicious. I sprinkled these with a little olive oil and placed the sprig of fresh rosemary on them while they grilled. Ummm....


Finally, you'll notice the Devil's Tongues are yellow, not red. I got the seeds from Dshlogg - they were open pollinated, so I ended up with this unusual cross. It looked so cool I thought I'd photo it. Not all the pods look this good, but you'll notice this has the yellow color, but still held the tongue shape pretty well.


I cut it in half and took out the seeds after this shot:


I ate a quarter of one (it's late and I wasn't in the mood for an all night tummy ache).
It's pretty hot - like habanero hot. I have to say, I really like the flavor of the red ones (my other devil's tongue grew true). It's a good red hab taste, and their flavor surprised me, as I thought they would be mostly for looks. I was curious how this would taste, since I tend to like yellow peppers. Well... it still had that habaneroish edge to it (without the hint of sweet in the reds), but then a bitter end note, almost sour. And it hit me, I know that he grew aji lemons last year and I think this crossed with an aji lemon because that's the flavor I picked up on. Now, I like the aji lemon, but mixed with the hab flavor it was not so good. So, it's a cool cross. I really like how it looks. But not so much on the flavor.

Ok, that's what I have for tonight. Thanks for stopping by!
Glad to know your a minister cuz..... any who...how did you know that devil's tongue was a cross by just looking at it because it looks exactly like the ones I have. I knew what it was before I read your caption. but I was half wrong since its a cross. oh FYI, Im methodist also.. hee hee

OPPs Methodist.. can't forget to capitalize
Can't wait to hear your reviews of your latest jelly concoctions! Interested in how those flavors mingled, and how hot they were. Jamie's right. You are a jelly making machine!!!

Looking at your stuffed Bishop's Crown's is making me hungry. I've been out of bacon all week, and have really had a taste for some poppers. May have to just go the cream cheese route like you did ...
Man, you had my jaw on the floor with that faux picture of you "standing" in the garden! Hahaha, good one. I was shocked until I looked at the next pics but that garden is still bangin' looks wonderful. A very successful year for you. Army crawlin' through the garden lol. Making your own jungle in the suburbs. Loving it. Good times.
Hey, Andy, just read through your post on the Harold St. Pear jam, etc. Did you know that the "regular" Devil's Tongue is actually Yellow, and the Red ones are the crosses? I know it seems counter-intuitive with the red color, but the name was originally given due to the high heat and shape. On a jam related note, I took your recipe and kicked out three (3) batches in the last couple of days. In addition to the Biquinho Iracema lime juice one, I also made a Red Aribibi Gusano lemon juice variant which is pretty much too hot to eat (I ate a dollop the size of a quarter in diameter, and got a wicked stomach ache :( ), and I decided I wanted a green jelly as well. I went and picked a bunch of green Anaheims and made a superb and almost no heat Anaheim jelly with lemon juice for tartness. Man, I think the Anaheim turned out the best as far as texture, since after the first two I decided I didn't want them so thick, and added about 1 1/2 times as much pepper volume (the first ones were like gummy candy texture, well maybe not quite that tacky, but anyway... :P)

Thanks for the inspirado to delve into the kitchen with my harvest, and keep up with your savvy at the stove, as well! I am eagerly awaiting some more updates, and will be peeking in in the next week to see what's up. I will also be making some more jams in the near future, as I plan to make one from Peruvian Purples for a little different color, and maybe Yellow Bullet and Aribibi Gusano for a yellow one, too. Take care!
Hey Andy,

I'm Just starting to get caught up with some of the glogs here.................hahaha..........pretty funny ..."The Peeping Gardener" shot......... I can use a pair of keen eyes here!

Man those jellies look good, been making some varieties here also, ...Plain bagels with marscapone and bonnet jelly with a cup of blue mountain coffee is the norm around here before work.

It's good to see those harvests rollin in...........good luck with the autumn pickings...

Love the names Andy! Your grow is sure fun to follow!

Thanks! Right back at ya!

Glad to know your a minister cuz..... any who...how did you know that devil's tongue was a cross by just looking at it because it looks exactly like the ones I have. I knew what it was before I read your caption. but I was half wrong since its a cross. oh FYI, Im methodist also.. hee hee

OPPs Methodist.. can't forget to capitalize

Hey Pia, turns out you're right (seeing what Karl wrote below). I thought they were supposed to be red. Do yours have a bitter taste? I guess whatever my reds ones crossed with it really improved their flavor. Another Methodist! Perhaps we should take over the THP...

Garden master
Best Dad in the world
Jelly making machine
amazing culinary skills

Is there anything you can't do. :dance: :dance:

You are far too kind Jamie. And I can come up with a long list of things I can't do.

Like I can't not be AWESOME!

Can't wait to hear your reviews of your latest jelly concoctions! Interested in how those flavors mingled, and how hot they were. Jamie's right. You are a jelly making machine!!!

Looking at your stuffed Bishop's Crown's is making me hungry. I've been out of bacon all week, and have really had a taste for some poppers. May have to just go the cream cheese route like you did ...

The pear hab mix was great as was the Cranberry rocoto - which was inspired by the cranberry one you posted btw. It makes a really good jelly. Those Bishop's crowns were great - go the cream cheese route, then get bacon and do more :drooling:

Man, you had my jaw on the floor with that faux picture of you "standing" in the garden! Hahaha, good one. I was shocked until I looked at the next pics but that garden is still bangin' looks wonderful. A very successful year for you. Army crawlin' through the garden lol. Making your own jungle in the suburbs. Loving it. Good times.

Nice, glad it worked! I do enjoy my little jungle.

Hey, Andy, just read through your post on the Harold St. Pear jam, etc. Did you know that the "regular" Devil's Tongue is actually Yellow, and the Red ones are the crosses? I know it seems counter-intuitive with the red color, but the name was originally given due to the high heat and shape. On a jam related note, I took your recipe and kicked out three (3) batches in the last couple of days. In addition to the Biquinho Iracema lime juice one, I also made a Red Aribibi Gusano lemon juice variant which is pretty much too hot to eat (I ate a dollop the size of a quarter in diameter, and got a wicked stomach ache :( ), and I decided I wanted a green jelly as well. I went and picked a bunch of green Anaheims and made a superb and almost no heat Anaheim jelly with lemon juice for tartness. Man, I think the Anaheim turned out the best as far as texture, since after the first two I decided I didn't want them so thick, and added about 1 1/2 times as much pepper volume (the first ones were like gummy candy texture, well maybe not quite that tacky, but anyway... :P)

Thanks for the inspirado to delve into the kitchen with my harvest, and keep up with your savvy at the stove, as well! I am eagerly awaiting some more updates, and will be peeking in in the next week to see what's up. I will also be making some more jams in the near future, as I plan to make one from Peruvian Purples for a little different color, and maybe Yellow Bullet and Aribibi Gusano for a yellow one, too. Take care!

Thanks for pointing that out about the devil's tongue! Wow. So the red one is the cross, weird. It tastes so much better though... That explains why the pod shape is so inconsistent on the red plant.

Nice work on the jelly. No such thing as too hot to eat - just add more cream cheese ;) I like the idea of a purple jelly, sounds cool.

Hey Andy,

I'm Just starting to get caught up with some of the glogs here.................hahaha..........pretty funny ..."The Peeping Gardener" shot......... I can use a pair of keen eyes here!

Man those jellies look good, been making some varieties here also, ...Plain bagels with marscapone and bonnet jelly with a cup of blue mountain coffee is the norm around here before work.

It's good to see those harvests rollin in...........good luck with the autumn pickings...


Ummm... bagels with pepper jelly do sound good right now... Thanks for stopping in Greg - always good to hear from you. I'd say good luck with your harvests, but I don't think you need it - looks like you're rocking over there!

Alright, just a couple pics from tonight. First, a sunflower:
Never had luck with them until this year, and I really enjoy them.


Here is a cluster of mustard habs. These have a very good flavor, very hot. Grown from pepperjoe's seed.


Here are my scorpions. These really came in strong. Grown from ajijoe's seed:


I have two Tabasco bushes, holy cow do they put out peppers


Here is a Thai dragon cluster - seed from Dshlogg
I'm using these to make Sriracha.


Finally, here's a wide shot of the garden/jungle.


Thanks for stopping by!