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Pumpkin Hot Pepper

Once again this is not the brazilian pumpkin(Reimers) but the pumpkin hot pepper(Reimers). They don't look at all the same.
imaguitargod said:
That's such a weird plant...
Almost looks like flowers I had on a solanum pseudocapscicum plant
Anyway a very weird plant, and it doesn't look annuum at all. I'm looking forward to see how this one proceeds! Very interresting plant you've got there!
Greetings Remi
Wow that is a crazy looking plant. Do we really know what the classification is? Reimers states Baccatum. I wonder if it is by itself. I just checked "The Chile Pepper Encyclopedia" and it doesn't make any mention of a hot pumpkin any where. Must be a recent cross or find? Pardon me, but I must tend to my hot watermelon.
A new pic. Notice the deformation on the bottom of some. Looks like a spinny top or dradle. Lots of pods now but none ripe.

They really do look like little tomatos until they turn orange. Many mutants on my biggest plant. I plan on tasting one soon. Wouldn't it be neat to have a hot tomato. Makes me think of Homer Simpson's Tomacco plant(tomato crossed with tobacco)

Sure does look like a tomato plant in the way the sucker shoot comes off the branch. Hmmmm. Very strange.
Here's a final picture of my Pumpkin pepper plant. One I won't be growing again. I tasted it and it was just awful. Sort of neat looking but not worth the effort.:D

Thanks alot guys my GF saw these Pics and their soooo cute she just has to get some. Are there any other varieties that have similar appearance. with good flavor