Pumpkin Hot Pepper

yeah I read that earlier but when I looked it up on thechileman they dont really look alike. And since look is HER primary interest thats an issue. Taste matters to me thou. any other ideas. and places that you recommend for seeds? as to the last post Funny guy, I know yer Joshin,
Its hard to discribe the awful taste. Very bitter. I had to spit it out and wash my mouth with scope. I could have had a bad one, but I'm not willing to try again. If you want some seeds naganero, I could probably set you up although they may not grow true. If they don't grow true, you may get some interesting hybrids. Actually I have an isolated plant growing at a friend's house that I could use for seeds.
naganero said:
:lol: any idea where seeds can be purchased other than Reimers

I was in a feed store here in NC. They were closing out seeds at the end on the year. The had 2 packages of pumpkin peppers from the Harris Seed Company of Rochester NY. If you need more info, let me know, I have their address and phone.

see what you mean Potawie..“Pumpkin Pepper”. An ornamental used for fall decorations.no taste just all show real shame looks kewl :(
I seen the same seeds this year at my local grocery store but this year they are wise enough to call them ornamental eggplant.;)
I grew them this year......And in (MY) opinion......they are the NOT peppers. They are Nasty to say the Least. They are fun to look at, but are good for nothing else. I will never grow again. I have had one sitting on my counter for about 4 weeks now, and still not gone soft or rotten. Just my 2 cents worth

They are definitely unedible eggplants but they make cool decorations and they no longer wrongly label them as C. annuum but now as ornamental eggplants
I didn't say they arent :D I said they might be not lethal to those Asians who know how to cook them :D
I'm pretty new to the forum and don't know how to post pics (or if I'm allowed) but I will try to post somewhere.

I was scratching my head for a while before I looked at the date on this post;)
I can't believe you of all people bought from reimers. Those are some sort of baby pumpkin they sold as a pepper. Complete this sentence. Don't buy from................
chillilover said:
I can't believe you of all people bought from reimers..

You must have been reading some of my anti-reimers posts, I have many;)
Yes I bought from Reimers in 2004-2005 and have been constantly warning people not to buy from them ever since.