food Pumpkin Seeds

OK so here's my recipe I took 1 1/3 cup washed seeds put them in a large zip lock bag with 2 tablespoons of Tabasco sauce , 1 tsp of black pepper 2 table spoons of garlic salt 1 tsp of red pepper flakes shook the bag up till evenly coated , then placed them in one layer on a greased backing sheet and roasted for 15 minutes at 350 degrees and they will be a light golden color when done.
I am making some now..  just winging it tho.. baked em at 200 for about 40 mins... then took em out and bathing em in sea salt brine worcestor and liquid smoke mix til tomorrow... then gonna spread on a cookie sheet with a lil olive oil sprinkle with some kenyan cayenne powder i have.. bake again till dry...    hopefully it works out.    I will let you know. :)
This time every year i crave pumpkin seeds. My Mother made them every year when we carved our pumpkins,it was my favorite part of fall "which is my favorite time of the year." 
 Maybe ill go buy a few pumpkins saturday just to get the seeds. 
I like boil them in brine for 5 or 10 minutes just to get salt inside. No real recipe, just dump some salt in the water. After that, drain them, dry off with paper towels throw in a bowl, put a couple of tsps of olive oil and mix around to keep them from sticking to each other. Throw onto a flat cookie sheet then bake in oven at 350 and keep checking every 10 minutes or so until it's the right texture for eating. The oil also helps to make salt stick after roasting. Never thought of adding heat since the kids eat more than I do but could probably throw in some powder or a couple fresh ones while boiling. 
Hawaiianero has it pretty good.  I soak mine in brine overnight or for a couple days.  Drain/oil/salt/pepper powder/roast in a 250 oven for about an hour - shake/stir every 20 mins or so.  
For nuts I use Lime juice to soak them in then add dry stuff - Pepper powder,salt (if they are unsalted nuts) or whatever I have a taste for at the time.
Roast till dry at about 300-350 in the oven.
Might do seeds at a lower temp.,they might burn...They are thinner.
If you use sugar in the dry spice mix,IF done right it's spicey carmelised nuts.
Don't see why it wouldn't work on pumpkin or sunflower spits.