• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Punn's Newbie GLOG

I guess I can start a GLOG on here since its easier to update! I'll start from the begining and work my way forward. I think I'm doing "Okay" for being a newbie at this. Much help from the people on here has got me past some "hiccups"! Thanks every, enjoy, and as always SUGGESTIONS!! I started from seed on 2/25/2012

The begining when things were leggy and looked in trouble!


The lighting system and my adjustments to the light heighth

I didn't take pics of my first pot up. Basically Just moved everything into solo cups! And from that point on they did well, for the most part. Have some that stunted, some that died, some that burned, but mostly all good! So my second pot-up happened 3 weeks ago.


And then today, 3 weeks after the movement of plants I had to do it again. My bolivian rainbows (since they are ornimental) have taken off like weeds! And my white habs grew some good root systems that had hit the sides of the containers, So I went right to 8inch pots.

Chocolate hab

2 of my Bolivian rainbows


A shot of everything and the room I dont have!!!

And I don't know why my replies go into my main topic ..... :mad:
dam u have sum leggy seedling in that last pic link never seen so long before except for that looking good.
ide be getting the dirt of your plants leaves incase when u mist your plants the dirt doesnt make the leaves rot
I would pinch off the buds and flowers from that last one unless you want it to stay small. Good light and a fan will strengthen them right up for you.

Good luck!!
dam u have sum leggy seedling in that last pic link never seen so long before except for that looking good.
ide be getting the dirt of your plants leaves incase when u mist your plants the dirt doesnt make the leaves rot
Yeah thats my summer squash, it gets like that every year I plant it! hahaha.

I would pinch off the buds and flowers from that last one unless you want it to stay small. Good light and a fan will strengthen them right up for you.

Good luck!!

The bolivian rainbows only get 1-2ft tall and stay bushy, from conversing with others and reading up they say let it go. the one with the flower is 6inches tall right now and grows more daily, they are like weeds!!
That Bolivian won't need pinched. It is an ornamental. Keep up the good work Nick. You will continue to learn daily from folks here snd your own trial and error. Keep it simple and use good sense. By this time next year you will be able to help out a new grower in your shoes. That is what it's all about.
Update. So I've been really happy with my growth over the last week. Plants are loving the pots, I don't have to bother them much at all, and they are really growing well. My bolivian rainbows have a ton of new good green on them, my white and chocolate habs have finally started to take off! Also about 3 weeks after I planted my first batch of peppers I took some dehydrated seeds from some 7pot douglah's i had and planted them, out of the 20 I got 8 to grow which is surprising since they were machine dried! The 7pots are blasting past my others in terms of time to look as good as they do! I think its because I learned a bit over the last 2 months and kinda let them do their thing! Pics below! Comments please!!!!

Bolivian Rainbow

White hab

Choc hab

and my 7pot (they all look like this!)

And just because it's only proper to, this is what I enjoy while growing!
An update, Everything has really taken off! My 7pots are passing older plants! All my habs look great as do the rainbow. I also have 2 ghost pepper plants that I had bought before joining this site, they are really doing well! I must be doing something right


white habs

choc habs

and my ghost peppers, tops and new growth

Coming around Nick. We still have a few Weeks to go so keep putting the light and fan to them. Might want to watch misting when lights are on. Keep up the good work.
i thought that might be a problem, was not to sure. today was epsom salt day just a few squirts! I only water weekly anymore if even that some plants go two weeks without water

Thanks guys! Appreciate the feedback. Just bought 25 x 1 gallon grow bags from eBay for 7.00 good deal!! They are final but have drain holes on the bottom and sides. Looking forward to a good summer harvest!!
I'm running out of room!!!!! I still have about 13 plants that need moved out of solo cups!!!!

My tomatos

And my every year leggy summer squash, snap peas, cucumbers, and bell peppers. The summer squash has been leggy the last 4 years i've planted it, but always produces well! haha!
Was just checking over the plants, giving them some sun over the last couple days. They are doing really well! I may have a green thumb after all! My 7pots are surpasing all of my expectations, growing great and getting lots of good leaves. Today I noticed like a siamese leaf, check it out! There is a red outline on the back-to-back leaf.

