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Purple Basil

Hi, Sorellina

Yep - I've posted elsewhere that the variegated basil is flowerless and seedless - no sharing over long distances, and no saving seeds for the next season. I'm trying a cutting - no root buds yet, but it's only been a couple of weeks, and at least it hasn't died! However, I really like the smell and flavor, and prefer it over sweet basil. If the cutting doesn't take off soon, I'm planning on digging up the plants and bringing them inside for the winter. We're getting back down to the 40's at night starting tonight, so I'm hoping to see some root buds real soon.


Changed the water on my cutting this morning, and saw the first little root reaching out. Now 'tis time to go start some more! :party:
here is my purple opal basil.. as you can see its not "dark" at all.. seeds came from a reputable commercial source..
here is my purple opal basil.. as you can see its not "dark" at all.. seeds came from a reputable commercial source..

I really like the mixed color - that's kind of what an opal is all about, anyway. From what I've read, it has the deepest purple color during cool weather, but tends to be more green in warmer weather.

My variegated basil cutting's new roots have now changed from clear to solid. They're still teeny-tiny, but I'm thinking I ought to let them get bigger before putting into dirt. I've got 3 more started, and am going to see if I can find any more stems that look good later today. The plants are starting to show the weather change pretty badly now, so I ended up throwing away some of the ones I cut yesterday, after looking a bit closer at them.
I really like the mixed color - that's kind of what an opal is all about, anyway. From what I've read, it has the deepest purple color during cool weather, but tends to be more green in warmer weather.

My variegated basil cutting's new roots have now changed from clear to solid. They're still teeny-tiny, but I'm thinking I ought to let them get bigger before putting into dirt. I've got 3 more started, and am going to see if I can find any more stems that look good later today. The plants are starting to show the weather change pretty badly now, so I ended up throwing away some of the ones I cut yesterday, after looking a bit closer at them.

last summer the previous opals are very green. only the veins remained purple. I wonder if "Amethyst Improved" will retain its deep dark color in our climate.

good luck in propagating your variegated basil. :D
Just wanted to add this:

I highly recommend Cinnamon Basil. It doesn't taste of Cinnamon too strongly, but the bit of Cinnamon makes for a really good taste gradient when you decide to add a bit of cayenne to your pesto.
I've grown purple basil. The type we grew tasted rather anise like ,but still had the sweet basil profile. Although it didn't really taste "basil like" It does work well in a number of dishes. I would try it with curry, I also liked it with roasted chicken with lime, cloves , garlic, and preferably Aji Crystal peppers.