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Purple stems..is there a why?


I wsa just going over my plants today, and relized ALL of them have rather purple stems. The nagas, the fatai, even the o-habs.

Now, they are all VERY healthy..but I just wondered..what causes that?

Is it a natural pigment thing or ???

I know some vars have that in particular, like my choc hab..which looks like an alien life form...

Just curious. :)
I have noticed the same thing when growing other forms of,, er, "vegetation". Seems to go away with them.
Will it go away with the chillies?
Its a pigment thing..When growing and strengthening of the plant in the branch and growth areas i think ? :)
yeah, it's in the branches mostly.

Seems tho, the healthyer they are, the mor epurple the connecting stems are. I didnt thin all nagas had puirple stems.

Mine do. Esp,.in the internodal growth area. They are just going nuts. I have two plants that actually have dbl-leaf growth...one set on top of another...it's weird.
And, they are extremely symetrical....compared to most folks plants.

I assume that's good?

(raising monsters)
Yep your raising monsters my celtic buddy and they'll so take there revenge on your taste buds :lol::mouthonfire:
talas said:
Yep your raising monsters my celtic buddy and they'll so take there revenge on your taste buds :lol::mouthonfire:

Nice. ANd, no worries, I know air mail to UK.. ;p

Man, just ate soem of my 'funky' habs diced into a hotdog relish..and damn, those are hotttt. Frell meee.

wtf, habs shoulsdnt be that hot. I'm getting blrry headed and hard to talk and breathe like the nagas do.

Not as long burn, 10min tops, but jeebus..it's fierce, Bih level hit for liek 5 mins. Damn. The evil monsters hit liek a brick to the groin. MF hottt.


I'll be sending to THSC. ;)

IDK wtf these are, i guess they Burkina..btu jeeeez, they are hot. I sliced a pod, and was full of glistening beads of cap juice on every surface.

Frell me.

Bad news: I made a meal outas em.
Worse news, I'm hungry.

Most worse news: I took the hotdog cov3ered in that stoopid-hot relish outa toaster oven, and now hte air smells of habs...

Oh Dear.

Ya, took a bite..tastes like a fatali..the hab taste is so strong. Daaamn.
MF%%##%%$ hot....

Dang weird habs anaywqys.

Nagas at least let ya taste the food b4 they pound ya..these dont.
I ate 1/2 my hotdog..on real bread and wit cheese, onions nad pickles.

And, its hard to focus to type...eyes..tearing, face...swaeting. Dumb me, I melted the cheese intio the habs as I usually do..thus making this near uneatable now.
