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Puta Tree - are they Goatsweed?


For the last five years or so I've been growing a chile labelled at the nursery as "Puta Tree, the hottest of them all." So far have not been able to figure out what this chile actually is.

The plant grows very tall and has furry/fuzzy leaf stems. The chiles grow upright piointed toward the sky. The flowers are white. The fruit are thin and about 1.75 to 2 inches long. They are very hot and have a very good flavour.

Wondering if this is Goatsweed or if anyone has heard of this plant. One source says it may be from the Azores.

This is a picture, taken last year at the end of Christmas Day:

I'm trying that again, it came out so small. That was the first time I've ever put a photo on a message board.

edit to add: If you click on it it looks better.
is it the same plant that you bought 5yrs ago? Both color in the same fashion... height could be the difference.. and is it perennial
they all perenial if it dosn't frost.
I had another look at the pic and some fruit are black so My money is on Goats weed.
stillmanz said:
do you know what puta refers to in italian?
I guess they are heavy producers........... lol

Lots of foods are named after "Puta's," believe it or not --

Puttanesca, the pasta dish is also named from the same source...
Yes what I was getting at was if this plant was growing for several seasons, in a not so clear way. I have been reading that some of the Puta trees get to 10' -- and therein is also mentioned the same ripening pattern as Goats weed. Almost sounds the same
stillmanz said:
were they black at first turning to red?

Hi Stillmanz,

If I recall correctly the fruit are green then they turn to black then they turn red. As they turn red there are sometimes black streaks along the fruit before the whole thing turns red. I may not be right about the green first part but that's my memory of it.
is it the same plant that you bought 5yrs ago? Both color in the same fashion... height could be the difference.. and is it perennial

Hi Luckydog,

No, we get down to about 32 degrees in winter. The plants always lose all their leaves by end of winter and I pull the plants and put new seedlings in every spring.

These plants tower above all my other chiles and peppers even by half way through one growing season.
Yes what I was getting at was if this plant was growing for several seasons, in a not so clear way. I have been reading that some of the Puta trees get to 10' -- and therein is also mentioned the same ripening pattern as Goats weed. Almost sounds the same

I'd never heard of goatsweed before yesterday. I've been trying to figure out what these are for years.

I really love this chile. It has amazing flavour and is quite hot. Each year I grow less other chiles and more of these because when I go out to pick a chile to eat this is almost always what I want, over what ever else I'm growing. This year I'm up to 4 of these plants.
Klyth I'm familiar ran a few italian restuarants in my time.
Putanesca classic clabrian food and meal of choice for all self respecting street walkers ...lol
bentalphanerd said:
Looks exactly like my goatsweed although, you know...yours is bigger, healthier & more productive :P

That pic was taken in winter after the leaves has started to drop off and it was on its last gasp of trying to reproduce.