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Puta Tree - are they Goatsweed?

I did some more googling and looking at pics on the web of goats weed and am sure this is what it is. In particular there is a thread on this forum that has an ad from Ebay for "Vietnamese black dragon" where it becomes clear that is also goats weed and the pic is identical to how my plants look in late spring:


So my five year search has ended and it has the homely name of goats weed. Goats weed. Apparently from Venezuela.

Well thanks a lot for all the replies on this thread.
I ate my first ripe one yesterday.

surprisingly hot. Didn't notice much flavour. The plant is pushing out heaps of flowers & pods, it seems to prefer the cooler temps we've been having.
Becouse the GOATS WEED is a plant particularly hairy


photo by http://www.saunalahti.fi/~thietavu/Chili/L_annuum.htm
I have a Goatsweed plant. Mine is on a single main stalk and is about 5 feet tall. It looks exactly the same as yours only yours is bushier. The chillis are fantastic and its a great producer. Bloody hot too :mouthonfire:

here are some pics of mine




Thanks RB.......... its actually the opposite. Its fluffy and furfy and soft to the touch. Just how i like em!

really hot peppers too. A mate of mine came round to pick some orange habs......... i have a plant with over 150 peppers on it....... well till he half filled a bucket (and there is still a bucket full on it). Ha asked about the goats weeds and there were about a dozen ripe ones on it. I said to take them....... i have hundreds in the freezer. He had just tried a PC-1 and said it was OK but nothing special. He popped a goats weed in his gob and chewed it up. I said........ ooooooo your going to regret that. HE said it tasted great and wasnt that hot.

I said........... give it 30 seconds!

after about 20 he said..... Ohhhhhh........ Ohhhhh dear!

after 40 seconds he went a bit red and said....... yep...... there it is.

Would have to say.... with all the habs ect growing, this is my favourite chilli so far.

YEah suposed to be cold tollerant.

Im going to test that this winter. Its the first days of winter here and my goastweed is fruiting like mad. ITs the toughest plant..... cold......... stinking heat, blazing sun, dry soil........ nothing phases it. It doesnt like really wet roots though but comes back fine onceit stops raining. Only have a problem after 10 inches of rain and the place is slush! The leaves go a bit yellow and some fall off.

But very tough all the same.

tony rb gonna try goatsweed up in the mountains then see how it takes to the conditions,thx for the info on goats weed :)
just to come back to you my goatsweed are doing great has been as low as 2 and there coping well only 8 leaves but unstressed :)
That is Goat Weed,plant is tall the pods are very hot, they are 2-2.5" long by 0.25-0.375" wide with medium thick flesh, pod ripen from green/black/orange & finaly red, plant have white flowers & growing season is late also stem is fuzzy & silvery leafs.
Origin is from: Venezuela.