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Putting things inside the pepper

It's a strange idea that I had recently and I want to try it this year. Let me know what you all think. I will start out by telling you how I got the idea.

Once while preparing for a birthday party for my daughter I took a balloon and rolled it up. I then took that balloon and shoved it inside another balloon. I then blew up the inner one and tied it off, then blew up the outer one a bit more and tied it off. So I now had a balloon inside a balloon.

So i got to thinking, what can I put inside a pepper. If I have a pepper at the very beginning of its growth, can I take an exacto knife and make a small incision. Big enough to slip something inside. I am growing Thai Dragons this year and they are very good for drying. So I though what if I can cut a bunch of them while they are just starting and into each one I slide a small LED. If the pepper heals around it and grows properly, then I pick them and dry them. After they are dry I can wire them up in a string and there I will have a string of naturally grown christmas tree lights.

Anyone want to start a pool as to whether or not this would work? Anyone have their guess? If you saw this in a catalog or in a store would you buy it? Or am I just wasting my time on this one?
it's an interesting idea.

I don't know if the pod would survive the incision/insertion of a foreign object. the wound site prior to scarification would be very susceptible to water damage/rot, and would seemingly invite pests. That would be my primary concern. plants heal well - fruits of plants don't always heal well - often when damaged they just rot away and fall off, and other fruits on the plant benefit from it (like de-budding a rose or orange)

How well would the pods when dried handle electricity? Seems a bit hazardous since it's likely the pod flesh would be touching the bulb. Could be a fire hazard?

Not to be pessimistic - give it a try and if it works it works! If nothing else you'll have your answer. I'm sure people told the Wright brothers they were kooks too. :cheers:

Oh, and I wouldn't buy it, but that's only because I celebrate Hanukkah - get me a pepper menorah, dammit! :dance:
Shoving an electrical device inside the cavity of a live chile is definitely in my top 5 of weird shit-o-meter pervert posts on THP.
Well this is awesom!!!! I have been a member here for a week or so, have single digit posts, and already I am in the top 5 of weird shit-o-meter posts. Now that's what you call bursting onto the scene.

it's an interesting idea.

I don't know if the pod would survive the incision/insertion of a foreign object. the wound site prior to scarification would be very susceptible to water damage/rot, and would seemingly invite pests. That would be my primary concern. plants heal well - fruits of plants don't always heal well - often when damaged they just rot away and fall off, and other fruits on the plant benefit from it (like de-budding a rose or orange)

How well would the pods when dried handle electricity? Seems a bit hazardous since it's likely the pod flesh would be touching the bulb. Could be a fire hazard?

Not to be pessimistic - give it a try and if it works it works! If nothing else you'll have your answer. I'm sure people told the Wright brothers they were kooks too. :cheers:

Oh, and I wouldn't buy it, but that's only because I celebrate Hanukkah - get me a pepper menorah, dammit! :dance:
The leaset of my worries is the electricity and heat. LED's are very low temp and also the whole thing is very low voltage and current. I guess as you say, I will have to give it a try. Perhaps I can become the next wealthy kook. And if it works I will gladly make a peppamenorah for you.
...and you said these are Peter peppers? :lol:
Yes TB..... Comedy GOLD.
I haven't laughed that hard since Gramma caught her tit in the wringer!
A BIG WELCOME, In The Basement!
You know you MUST do this, I mean, how many of could say in 20 years, we stuck LED's in living Peppers?
Do it! Do it! Do it!
This is lending a whole new vision to Poppers!!!!

I love the way you think ITB! What do you dream of at night??????????

The wax seal solution almost sounds viable --- but so does rigging them up dried. Either way - count me in for a string of them if you figure it out!!!!! What else ya dreamin' up??????? :cheers:

I stuffed something inside a pepper once... an Italian long hot.

(Talking about making poppers people! Mind out of gutter!)