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review Quad reviews the Snakebite PR


It took awhile to get here, and I haranged Mark awhile about it..sorry bro..but it was definitly worth the wait. So, I figured the least I could do is post a review for him.

Ok, here's pics of what I received. I'm sorry no shots of me eating it...really hard to take pics of yerself without a tripod. Esp. while drinking and playing online games...lol ;)


It's hard to describe the smell of it..sweet and fruity....very "hab-like" almost like an orange hab, but more rich. With undertones of cinnmon, or perhaps it's just the ginger? Reminds me of 5-spice seasoning.

I first ate like a 1/4 tsp.

Waited awhile to how it'd burn, than had another 1/4 tsp. Then, re a bro's recommendation, I put 1/2 tsp in about 20oz of beer. That was fun...:twisted:

Had liberal amounts on egg on toast the next morning as the pics show...very tasty!

Depending which part of the sauce you get it's not TOO hot at first, as it's terribly thick and hard to get a random sample. Or, I have a higher tolorance than I thought. ;-)

It's pretty warm at first..lots of fuity/ginger/hab flavor..then steady building heat that sticks around for a looong time. Face flushed, body high feeling, but didn't get gut pains or other bad effects. (no ring-burn the next day either)

He's worked on the consistancy..it's not as chunky as it used to be, much more smooth. Some parts are blistering while some parts are more mellow. Definatly needs a sound shaking.

But, it has a about 20-30 min. burn time. Feeling like yer glowing from the inside. :mouthonfire:

Yet, I'd say it's almost a peaceful sensation...like a good body-high acid trip...heh.

You can definatly taste the ginger and garlic, a tad cinnamon-like...almost like he used thai spice in it...delish.

Damn good sauce. Well Done Mark!

Today, I tried mixed fairly equal parts of SBPR, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, a little horseradish and a few drops of sesame oil for a kickass dipping sauce for eggrolls. :)

Love this stuff.

IMHO, if Dave's is the common "gateway" sauce to chileheadness, this is the same to Naga sauces. It's not so hot that it'll take your head off, but definetly will introduce ya to the world of Naga in a very tasty way. :D

Well, the color in my pics may be a tad off, horrid lighting in this apt.
The border looks orange in my pics, but it's the 10-pod Reserve.

IDK why it seems like cinnamon to me, perhaps it's the ginger and carrots.

Here's the label:


Made a video now finally:
My first youtube vid...is Naga sauce..w00t! :D
Hows its pourability, mine is real thick...comes out in globs. nice & sharp burn though. Mines also very deep red. yours looks kind of yellow and orange.

seems like he's changed his recipe a little.

Unfortunately my label is a bit scratched up so its hard to compare.
Pourability...there really isn't any..lol
A Very thick sauce, yup.

I gotta cajole it out of the bottle like nuclear ketchup. :D

Yeah, it's a reddish orange color here.
I shoulda ran the pics through PS to correct the colors.
rainbowberry said:
Yep it's very thick, I stand it upside down in the fridge, or use a knife.
When I had it, me too! :lol:
Very nice flavored sauce, just not extremely hot.
:lol: remember to hold on to the bottle tightly, I've had the bottle fly out of my hand, luckily the bottle is pretty indestructible and bounces quite well.
Well heat is the only possible improvement, I REALLY like the taste. I would have bought some more, but so many other sauces are calling me to taste them. :P
Well, IIRC, he's said he'd do a hotter one on demand:

darlochileman said:
Its a fine balance between keeping the sauce 'natural' (i.e not adding extracts) and making it almost inedible. I could add a 6m extract to the next batch if there is demand.

In the mean time I'll resist the temptation and keep with the strap line 'Extreme Heat Equisite Taste'. :

Hmmmm...Snakebite CE (chilehead edition) anyone? >:-}
