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review Quad reviews the Snakebite PR

rainbowberry said:
:( No extract please Mark. You said you might if the demand was there but I don't think it is.
Ohh... how can you say no to that? :surprised:
I'm sure any plans on using extract are no longer exist. ;)
If it was me, just uppppp the nagas or sneak in a hotter "red chiles"

Honestly, I'd not want it to be an extract sauce either, unless a very clean one just as an option.

What he needs IMO, is a jumpstart chile in there that has instant heat more than the Naga..then, let the Naga burnnn. Also, more naga. ;)
QuadShotz said:
If it was me, just uppppp the nagas or sneak in a hotter "red chiles"

Honestly, I'd not want it to be an extract sauce either, unless a very clean one just as an option.

What he needs IMO, is a jumpstart chile in there that has instant heat more than the Naga..then, let the Naga burnnn. Also, more naga. ;)
Hotter than Naga? I think misunderstood what you wrote.
Anyways I just think he should shove some more whole Nagas, that'll do the trick.
I have tasted real naga and two pods in a bottle is plenty hot. billy boy grew them and a few here on this forum have tasted them and will agree.

Perhaps Mark is getting swindled by his co-packers? That or he's swindling all of us.
stillmanz said:
I have tasted real naga and two pods in a bottle is plenty hot. billy boy grew them and a few here on this forum have tasted them and will agree.

Perhaps Mark is getting swindled by his co-packers? That or he's swindling all of us.
o0o... nasty accusations! now it's starting to get interesting. :lol:
nothing nasty about it. Simple fact 2 nagas in a bottle that size would be hotter especially as it has "red chillis as well"... I guess it depends on were he's sourcing his nagas are they Green or whatever or is his co packer ripping him off? Regardless my point is if I put 2 of the nagas Billy boy gave me, in a 150 ml bottle it would be extremely hot..10 in a bottle just wouldn't work unless they were rediculiously small.

.....and Omri you are a tool. When you get the chance to eat a fresh naga it will make sense, that I'm not trying to cause trouble I just think theres something fishy about the heat and how many pods are sposed to be in it (this is my opinion for the 10 pod as well).

Omri said:
Hotter than Naga? I think misunderstood what you wrote.
Anyways I just think he should shove some more whole Nagas, that'll do the trick.

No, read the label, it has 'other' chiles besides the Naga. Perhaps make them a hotter chile.

Of course, more Naga can't be bad...no arguement there. :D
I'm inclined to agree with Stillmanz - 10 full Nagas with seeds & placenta & you'd have a whole other beast. on average serving size you'd be looking at 2/3 of a Naga per serve. Thats going to be hard to cope with.

QS - it says "with 10 whole Naga Pods" on the label.
stillmanz said:
nothing nasty about it. Simple fact 2 nagas in a bottle that size would be hotter especially as it has "red chillis as well"... I guess it depends on were he's sourcing his nagas are they Green or whatever or is his co packer ripping him off? Regardless my point is if I put 2 of the nagas Billy boy gave me, in a 150 ml bottle it would be extremely hot..10 in a bottle just wouldn't work unless they were rediculiously small.

.....and Omri you are a tool. When you get the chance to eat a fresh naga it will make sense, that I'm not trying to cause trouble I just think theres something fishy about the heat and how many pods are sposed to be in it (this is my opinion for the 10 pod as well).

I actually tried dry pods. it was like hell has moved into my mouth... I liked it. that's why I asked if Mark is seeding them.

Mick, don't ruin my fun.

I do belive he's de-seeding and such, as I see none. How he processes them, or rather how the packer does, will affect the outcome. Read the packing label on my shipment....I ordered from ebay, not petes. How'd that happen?

I have no idea.

I do think Mark has the highest integrity, and would not intend to do bad by us. Hell, CaJohn and Nick even liked the sauce...and that's a tuff sell.

That said, this is NOT a extreme sauce in the way we probably know it. Thats not his market I don't think. Look at his sales on ebay..i don't know anyone there hardly. It's to those who want a taste of real chilehead fire..but he's smart enough not to try and sell a 2M sauce to noobs.

It's a very good sauce, and if it bring the Naga to the public, as it has done, so be it. All the better for anyone who sells a Naga sauce.

In the end, I doubt anyone argues it's a wonderful sauce, just that it could be more befitting the true Naga heat.

Problem is, how many can or would actually eat that?
We ain't exactly the reference sample for retail here folks.

Do you market to the few, or the many? Thats not even a choice when ya sell one kind of sauce.

My .02,

seeds in or out nagas are a different ball game the batches and I think I have tasted three all just weren't there as far as heat. Sure they were hot but not much hotter than a hab sauce of mine that has about 3 orange habaneros to a bottle.
I just thinkif you advertise it as one of the hottest natural sauces u better have something to show. My Devils Tongue hot sauce almost as hot as this stuff and there is only 1 1/2 devils tongue/ fatalii pods per bottle.
but I don't run around telling everyone its one of the hottest natural products around.
I mean are we here to just sellout with gimmicky products tomake a quick buck or sell a top notch product that is true to the word?

I'm not saying Mark is doing it on purpose, but maybe he should check his naga source and maybe check what his co packers are up to.
I know after so manypeople tellin him "its not as hot as I thought it would be" I would be wondering whats going on.

But thats just my two cents and
He's still got the best chilli database on the net.
QuadShotz said:

I do belive he's de-seeding and such, as I see none. How he processes them, or rather how the packer does, will affect the outcome. Read the packing label on my shipment....

Heres my bottle of SBPR - you can clearly see seeds...it's also very dark red.

stillmanz said:
seeds in or out nagas are a different ball game the batches and I think I have tasted three all just weren't there as far as heat. Sure they were hot but not much hotter than a hab sauce of mine that has about 3 orange habaneros to a bottle.
I just thinkif you advertise it as one of the hottest natural sauces u better have something to show. My Devils Tongue hot sauce almost as hot as this stuff and there is only 1 1/2 devils tongue/ fatalii pods per bottle.
but I don't run around telling everyone its one of the hottest natural products around.
I mean are we here to just sellout with gimmicky products tomake a quick buck or sell a top notch product that is true to the word?

I'm not saying Mark is doing it on purpose, but maybe he should check his naga source and maybe check what his co packers are up to.
I know after so manypeople tellin him "its not as hot as I thought it would be" I would be wondering whats going on.

But thats just my two cents and
He's still got the best chilli database on the net.
Well if he's seeding them and the sauce has weird Naga/ingredients ratio, then that could explain it (maybe), but I do admit a homemade salsa I made with birdseyes was hotter.
It is very obvious this sauce is not what it's supposed to be, although it is very good.
bentalphanerd said:
Heres my bottle of SBPR - you can clearly see seeds...it's also very dark red.

Doesn't look anything like mine. mine was all beautiful orange.
Seeds might be from "red chiles".
lets get past the seeds thing, nagas with seeds is real hot, nagas with out seeds is real hot. These chillis aren't like normal chillis. In my experience the flesh has a thin layer of placental tissue over the whole thing. They as hot at the toe as the head.
stillmanz said:
lets get past the seeds thing, nagas with seeds is real hot, nagas with out seeds is real hot. These chillis aren't like normal chillis. In my experience the flesh has a thin layer of placental tissue over the whole thing. They as hot at the toe as the head.
I tried the skin. it's hot, ok... but as part of a sauce? I've seen 50,000SHU peppers produce 5,000SHU sauces with seeds. stop acting like it's a super chile that exist beyond the laws of physics. so you had some and you felt some hardcore pain, it's ok.
OK, enough.

You two, make a "Snakebite PR isn't good enough" thread and leave MY review out of it, K?

Or better yet, actually email Mark. I have.

We already have numerous topics saying how Snakebite isn't hot.

Guess what, I spent $30 to try it anyways...and I make $650/mo.

This thread isn't about YOUR opinions, it's about mine.

That is why it's called a Review.
