• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

review Quad reviews the Snakebite PR

No worries, just don't think arguments belong in this thread, eh?

Heh, yes...I've admin'd many a board since before vBulletin was invented, I don't mind puting a foot down.

Just be nice.


Aye, had to watch 10,000 members myself. just that around here (THP), that's how we discuss (and where). obviously it's your post and if you wish me to stop, I'll respect that.
Honestly, it was a good discussion I thought, just got a tad outa hand, that's all.

I'm not blaming anyone, that would only fuel fires, and not with Naga.

Carry on. ;)

*and ya, I've admined gaming groups with 1000's of members, and webmodel forums with a few hundred on my own servers..this is tame by comparison..heh.

I just don't want some peep off google finding this and geting a bad picture, ya know?


Can we at least talk about the weird red SB Bent has? totally topic-related. :lol:
Seems like more "red chiles" than Nagas, because Mark (according to the pictures) is picking them green so they ripe into orange, not red. (not that they're the entire orange coloring, but there's carrots and what not...)

Found a picture I took!
OK, THAT is the color I have, *dam camera*.

My guess? He got different crops yeilding different heat.

Why? Becuase HSB reveiew said it had a 50min+ burn. And, i trust that guy when it comes to hot. Mine isn't anywhere near that.

IMO, it's the chiles letting him down.

As far as the why isn't '10 Naga' sauce insane..well, for one he didnt want it to be. Pure Naga would have a VERY limited sale value outside of hardcore chileheads. Why does Cajohn sell a range?

Beacuse it's smart, and he can.

Mark dosen't sell sauce for a living, so he's gotta find that medium.

FWIW, yes, to truly represent the Naga..it should be about twice as hot. I barely had a sweat eating it by a teaspoon.

In that vid, i had a lot more than a tsp all told on a bland homemade juienne turkey & cheese "burrito" in three bites....My fave test subject. I even left off the Brie. ;)

/ok, not my fave subject of eating, but the other one really doesn't work well with chilis. :D

Oh you edited, that's not fair!
SB is for the "hardcore" (supposed to) and he sells small batches, so THP alone is enough to clean him out.
Like I said you have great taste, but again with the dirty jokes... c'mon.
Omri said:
Oh you edited, that's not fair!
SB is for the "hardcore" (supposed to) and he sells small batches, so THP alone is enough to clean him out.
Like I said you have great taste, but again with the dirty jokes... c'mon.

Yeah, I guess you're right on the supply.

This is interesting:

http://www.hotsauceblog.com/hotsaucearchives/the-naga-snakebite-collection-has-been-sent said:
Comment by Mark McMullan (14) - 5/1/2007 @ 3:36 am | [ Quote ]

We are currently working on a “dumptruck load” of dried pods, direct from Bangladesh. Just working out the logistics. Man, I can’t wait

About the burn time..according to Nick Lindauer..who is no sloutch in the heat dep't:

http://www.hotsauceblog.com/hotsaucearchives/review-naga-snake-bite-private-reserve-naga-concentrate said:
I timed the burn from the start of breakfast to the point in which I felt that the burn had comfortable subsided. 54 minutes of burning! And the crescendo of the burn occurred at about the 23 minute marker (after finishing breakfast) - that’s when I started to tear up and the nose started to run

Now, I put about the same amount on my eggs as he did. But mine wasn't anywhere near that long a burn.

Conclusions? IDK.

Jokes? Well, my bad...heheh.

It seems to me you're not exactly innocent to the art of double entendre yourself. ;p

Me, not innocent? :O Just take a look at the avatar! that's the most innocent face ever!
What really bugs me is that you keep on editing... I mean I wrote:
Oh you edited, that's not fair!
On "Today, 02:34 AM" (my time), and the edit time for the post I was talking about is "Today at 02:36 AM"!!! you just kept on editing. :O
Yes, but which post?

I had been typing a post ealier when it went poof on me due to a egregious typing error, so perhaps that's a confusion?

I tend to both typo and spaaace easily, so edits are the only way I have hope of making some sense. ;)
Omri said:
You're lucky I like you, you don't want to piss off the official THP spammer. :cool:

Oohh, thats nice.

Heh, you have no idea what spam can be young one. Or all of those IP's of yours a botnet?

TY though. You're a pretty fun guy too. :)

I don't actually know what post you meant though..I think it was the one that got dumped as I don't see other edits in the timeframe. Well, unless my timezone memory is whack..which is entirely possible.

I'm used to DSLREPORTS.COM, where their vB has spell checking and such..ugh. I post, then see crap no matter how much i think I got it right. So I edit.

QuadShotz said:
Oohh, thats nice.

Heh, you have no idea what spam can be young one. Or all of those IP's of yours a botnet?

TY though. You're a pretty fun guy too. :)

No bots, I'm just really bored. it's a huge place full of computers (4,096 to be exact) and I manually surf the web with them.
QS... you and your edits. :O
Forget I ever mentioned edits and/or time. :lol:
Hmmm... use FF with spell checker add-on.
Omri said:
No bots, I'm just really bored. it's a huge place full of computers (4,096 to be exact) and I manually surf the web with them.

Nice. A nice even number.
Must be an ISP or Datacentre, eh?

Those are fun. I think you mean you VNC/SSH/VPN to them?

BTW, my fave comp acronymn is PPTP..it's just funny in a Wayne
's World kind of way. :)

Oh, I know the mod I miss from DSLR..it shows if there's posts happening WHILE you are typing..and so ya don't trod over yourself while posting. Here, lots of times the time doesn't synch.

I can be typing a reply to a reply to a post of mine, that has already been replied to. And, I don't see it until after. UGH.

It is a data center, but I just sit in front of a screen and use this massive KVM switch to control them all.
Sounds pretty. :)

Oh, if he IS using dried pods, they wouldn't be near as hot FAIK, also that would explain why it's so much smoother now. AND, the color change.

Note the date on my bottle...