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seeds Question about Transferring Seedlings

Hi all,

When I initially planted my peppers I dropped about three seeds in each cell with the intent of just keeping the most robust one. I changed my mind and now want to keep all of the seeds that have germinated. Is there a way to safely separate the seedlings (they are close together in the cell) so that I can transfer them to their own larger pots? If not, I will stick to my original plan of keeping just one.

I hope this question makes sense. Thanks for any replies.
Hmm. Can you wash away the starting media? If you can, you might be able to do that right before potting them up, but I'm not sure if that would shock the plants too much and kill them.
Good question, but I don't think I can wash that away without hurting the plants because I'm clumsy. Guess I'll stick with my original plan to keep them safe. Thanks for the response!
Just be carefull not to damage too much of the roots. IME (limited) this is easier/less hard to do if the soil is really wet so water them thoroughly just before you try.I cannot guarantee that all/any will survive, but it usually works. Normally I keep as much as possible of the old soil when I transplant seedlings to avoid shock...
yeah as Skydiver said. use water and wash away the soil.
get a bucket with water and pop the 3 seedlings into it. Gently rub the soil away and the 3 seedlings will seperate.
Make sure the soil is wet and you can carefully pull the em and tease them apart if they are not too old and without much lateral root growth. Did this with mine last year and they did not seem to notice the move.
I like Patricks idea...if you really want to separate them...got a water pick?...you know, like a tooth pick except attaches to the sink on a hose...if so, at LOW pressure, use the pick to wash away the soil...works fine for us clumbsy people...I know...