I started Golden habs and White habs a day after my Anaheims and both types of Habs are like a 1/2- 1/3 the size of the Anaheims. I've treated both the same while growing. Is this normal for Habs to grow so slow?? I should know since I grew them in FL for 3 years but so far, this growing has all been done under grow lights.
Here's a pic:
Left to Right.... smallest Anaheim, largest Golden & White Habs, largest Anaheim. I just transplanted all the Habs into small pots.
http://member.atlantic.net/~inet7911/Anaheim and Habanero comparison.jpg
Both types of Habaneros were planted only one day after the Anaheims and the Habs came up about 2-3 days after the Anaheims.
Planted Anaheims 30 days ago/ Mar 9th
Planted Habs 29 days ago/Mar 10th
Here's a pic:
Left to Right.... smallest Anaheim, largest Golden & White Habs, largest Anaheim. I just transplanted all the Habs into small pots.
http://member.atlantic.net/~inet7911/Anaheim and Habanero comparison.jpg
Both types of Habaneros were planted only one day after the Anaheims and the Habs came up about 2-3 days after the Anaheims.
Planted Anaheims 30 days ago/ Mar 9th
Planted Habs 29 days ago/Mar 10th