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Question on "possible" growth problems with Habs.

I started Golden habs and White habs a day after my Anaheims and both types of Habs are like a 1/2- 1/3 the size of the Anaheims. I've treated both the same while growing. Is this normal for Habs to grow so slow?? I should know since I grew them in FL for 3 years but so far, this growing has all been done under grow lights.

Here's a pic:
Left to Right.... smallest Anaheim, largest Golden & White Habs, largest Anaheim. I just transplanted all the Habs into small pots.
http://member.atlantic.net/~inet7911/Anaheim and Habanero comparison.jpg

Both types of Habaneros were planted only one day after the Anaheims and the Habs came up about 2-3 days after the Anaheims.
Planted Anaheims 30 days ago/ Mar 9th
Planted Habs 29 days ago/Mar 10th
Hey LP,
Never grew those wonderful cupcake Anaheims as tasty as they are, but I'm guessing they're annumms and will deffently grow a hell of a lot quicker than the habs. I love annumms in my zone, heavy producers that mature in time, I lost a few hundred hab plants and alot of green chiles 2 years ago to an early frost.

fatalliman said:
Hey LP,
Never grew those wonderful cupcake Anaheims as tasty as they are, but I'm guessing they're annumms and will deffently grow a hell of a lot quicker than the habs. I love annumms in my zone, heavy producers that mature in time, I lost a few hundred hab plants and alot of green chiles 2 years ago to an early frost.


The only reason I grew the Anaheims was because I got them free with my order. When I get peppers I may slice them up on a sandwich or something :)

Another question...... When the habs were in the small peat pellet type soil bundle, I just transplanted them to pots because they started to get moldy (whiteish soot) on the outside of the pellet surrounding. I know I did'nt water them that frequently. Maybe it's because they grow slower and I should transplant sooner. It's my first time under grow lights. I'll get it right next year. Going for Red Savinas and maybe, if it's true....... those Naga Jokes. Joke or not? **LOL**
Hey LP,
I never liked those peat pods and don't use them...
I know many chileheads that live by them, I tried them one year and got squat, compared to the 72 cell starter with growing medium.Don't take me wrong on the anahiems, they are a very good chile, and will munch them anytime.
savinas are over-rated to me, IMOO try the chocolate habs, better flavor and hot.
As far as the naga, I have a seed coming my way and will"check it out"

tpowell25 said:
what is the white stuff that gets on the peat pellets

It's a white sooty mold. I went ahead and transplanted the Habs so the mold growth would be halted. I'm sure if I left them in the small peat pellets, they would soon die.