

I discovered this about a week ago. It caught my eye because is this tiny grain and it had a sign on it that said "source of complete protein".

Apparently it has all the amino acids animals need to form a complete protein, while most grains are lacking in lysine. Not to mention the 12-18% protein content. Quinoa isn't a true grain apparently.

Above all, it is delicious, and has a great texture. Kinda like slightly crunchy, sticky tiny rice. Hard to explain. I've been eating it by the bowl with just a bit of soy sauce.

When you cook it, the tiny balls pop open and these little squiggly tails come out. Looks pretty neat:
Noice, im gunna have to get me some of that- for me dog.

What? It was a joke! Sounds real nice and healthy..
fineexampl said:
recipe? what/where can i buy? i've had it in bread only.

You treat it like white rice. 1 cup quinoa + 2 cups water, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer for 15-20 min. Then let stand covered for another 10 & fluff.

I've been making mine in my brand new rice cooker. Nothing beats coming home and having warm grains already waiting :)
i looooove this stuff, i can only ever find it at the health food stores in their bulk section. that's the red kind but there's a 'white' kind too, i like the red kind better but my mom says she can't taste the difference (but after thirty+ years of smoking i'm suprised she can taste *anything*). i use it in any recipe that calls for bulgur or couscous cuz i can't stand those.
I think I'll look for this the next time I go grocery shopping, but I don't think that stuff is sold here, don't remember ever seeing it before.
I'd like to try it.
I make a quinoa "pilaf" that I use fresno's in (hey it's tough to find fresh peppers here!).

I try to avoid most grains but quinoa is tasty.
How did i miss this thread? Quinoa is awesome. I think my favorite is a quinoa/tomato/black bean and hab salad.....yum yum yum. I like Bob's red mill organic quinoa the best.
Sickmont said:
How did i miss this thread? Quinoa is awesome. I think my favorite is a quinoa/tomato/black bean and hab salad.....yum yum yum. I like Bob's red mill organic quinoa the best.

Sounds great man. So far I haven't done anything with it besides eat it by itself. Quinoa salad sounds badass. I like that pilaf idea too.

I bought like 3 lbs of the stuff so I have plenty to try both
GrumpyBear said:
i looooove this stuff, i can only ever find it at the health food stores in their bulk section. that's the red kind but there's a 'white' kind too, i like the red kind better but my mom says she can't taste the difference (but after thirty+ years of smoking i'm suprised she can taste *anything*). i use it in any recipe that calls for bulgur or couscous cuz i can't stand those.

You can also use it anywhere rice is called for. It makes for some interesting asian dishes as well.
Sickmont said:
How did i miss this thread? Quinoa is awesome. I think my favorite is a quinoa/tomato/black bean and hab salad.....yum yum yum. I like Bob's red mill organic quinoa the best.

Quinoa is some pretty awesome stuff. Been using it for years in restaurants and you can do anything that your imagination lets you do to it. So very versatile.
Sickmont said:
You can also use it anywhere rice is called for. It makes for some interesting asian dishes as well.

but i like rice, i have no need to substitute... besides, i just imagined substituting quinoa into any dish we use rice for and in every scenario my mother disowns me...
GrumpyBear said:
but i like rice, i have no need to substitute... besides, i just imagined substituting quinoa into any dish we use rice for and in every scenario my mother disowns me...

Ha..yeah, I hear that!

The thing is, not everyone can eat rice. I was cooking for a guest over the holidays who has diabetes, and had to really watch carbs. Even wild rice can make blood sugar spike, but holiday meals with no rice or dressing is just Not Done in the south. So I was trying help him eat healthy without feeling deprived, and quinoa was one of the substitutes suggested to me.