for-sale Rainbow Assort. SFRB: $20 + SH

Hello, Slaszlo from Minnesota, United States here.

I have a bunch of hot pepper pods, and I'm looking to sell some.

I am asking for $20 + shipping for an SFRB. Contiguous United States only. In it, you will receive about 25 to 30 peppers (packing density will vary based on pod size).

Here are some cultivars I have going:

Borg 9 Yellow, 7 Pot Yellow, Yaki Blue Fawn, Piemienta de Neyde, Mustard Bhutlah RK, Lemon Starrburst, 7 Pot Peach x Reaper RK, Congo Trinidad, 7 Pot Congo Chocolate, 7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate, 7 Pot Slimer, Benito Panther, Bahamian Goat, Bolivian Bumpy, Orange Ghost, Black Bhut, Borg 9 Chocolate, Gator Jigsaw, Yellow Reaper, Scotch Brain, and more.

Guaranteed spicy and unique selection. First come, first served. Thank you!
Hi there! Any chance you have some Starrbursts left? I'm located in Minneapolis and would love to pay you for a few if that's something you're interested in.