• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rairdog's glog 2015 First smoke!

I will start of with the starting chamber I made.  It is basically a window box that is inside my deck greenhouse.  I also have aquaponic growbeds in the GH.  The fish tank is in the basement to keep fish through the winter.   I wanted to utilize the sun light and solar heat that the GH generates.  I can typically get a 50 deg increase on p. cloudy days and up to 70 deg increase on sunny days.  It is to cold to grow in for 18 hrs a day without heating.
Here is the chamber.  It has dropped to 45 with sub zero temps but usually stays between 55-60 at night and up to 90 on sunny days.

This makes it very easy to pull the plants out for some play time when GH is warm.

Here are the peppers.  They get morning and afternoon light from the T8 and sun the rest of the day for a total of 16 hrs. 
All plants were started in Optisorb DE.  I have very lightly fertilized with buffalo loam, maxicrop with iron, compost tea and shultz'.
View from inside the house.

Here is the heat mat for germinating and keeping the peppers warm since the chamber can drop to 55.  It is flexwatt tape and jumpstart thermostat.  I have 2 ft and 4 ft sections.

There is a fan in the window that kicks on at 75 in the GH to exchange air with the house.  It also keeps chamber from overheating and strenghtens plants.

Other veggies in DE

capsidadburn said:
Looks Great Jim!  I think you'll like that Tobago Yellow S.B.
Have a good one!
Most all the seeds have come up except for few.  Yellow 7 pod (non brain), Fatali and Peruvian White Hab were no-shows.  A few others had poor germination rates but I should be able to get a good plant out of them.

The goji bloomed.  Looks like it's in the pepper family

Some yard shots of crocus.  Purple, yellow, white.

Daffodils are starting.

Hyacinths and tulips will be soon.
capsidadburn said:
Wow, those Crocus bloom sure look great!  Glad to hear the old seeds came up mostly.
The advantage of living with the cold.  I am very happy with the germination and have plenty to grow out.  It will give me a good jump for next year.   I got a craving for more purple leaf flavors but overall you done me right!
Ozzy2001 said:
Very cool. I'm interested in seeing how the beds do with all the wood.
It might not be that great this year but it should do well next year.  It was a cheap way to cover some old asphalt.  Hopefully it will give me a lower ph than the native soil.  That's the main goal.  I think it will take much less watering which is a bonus.
Some shots of the greens.  First time growing pak choi....man that stuff grows quick.  First time with Napa cabbage....pretty quick too.  They are overtaking and shading out my other greens. 


Some of the sweet with toms

17 varieties of toms about ready to get up-potted.  I am tight on space so I held out starting these. 

One for the ladies...
My attempt of a vid....look for the peppers that didn't make the cut and got thrown in the GB's.  They have been in 40-60 deg water and nights below 40...but they keep on...train um young
Runescape said:
Very cool video...what are those bluish-purpley flowers?
hyacinth...got about 20 more ready to explode in the yard.   I put up a mix for my lady every year.  When they"re done they go into "her" beds for the next year.  Kinda like tulips.
The baby pak choi is taking over the AP beds.   It has hogged all the nute from my spinach and lettuce.

It's a packed house

I broke out the shade cloth to make the greens happy,  Lettuce was laying down,  It responded by standing up with the shade.
That's a really nice job on a beautiful kitchen!!! :cheers:
You definitely have a green thumb... The green house and yard are looking great...
I hope the weather is good and the river stays down...
Good growing, my friend!!!
Love the greenhouse. Gotta get me one of those someday. Beautiful work on the kitchen. Gutted our bathroom last winter and rebuilt. Does help a miserable Midwest winter pass more quickly. Plants all looking great as well.
FL Born said:
That's a really nice job on a beautiful kitchen!!! :cheers:
You definitely have a green thumb... The green house and yard are looking great...
I hope the weather is good and the river stays down...
Good growing, my friend!!!
Thanks!  I swore off kitchen jobs long ago.  It about wore me out.  River is prime fishing for the WE....until it rains again. 
jcw10tc said:
Love the greenhouse. Gotta get me one of those someday. Beautiful work on the kitchen. Gutted our bathroom last winter and rebuilt. Does help a miserable Midwest winter pass more quickly. Plants all looking great as well.
Thanks!  I just re-did her bathroom a couple years ago.  She got a new vanity with the kitchen cabinets.  Now she wants all new mirrors and such.  There are more patched holes than actual drywall. 
Night time with peppers and peepers.  April rocks!
Finally able to add some good green to the hugelkultur.  One more layer of brown and it's ready for the compost/topsoil topping.  The end of free is near.  The strawberries I took from my other patch and put directly in the bales are doing well.  I also put in 25 more plugs.  Great optical illusion!
Rairdog said:
Tomato's, sweet peppers along with Habs and Serrano are hardened off and ready to hit the dirt.  It is supposed to stay above 55 for a week after Saturday.  They are flowering and about to get root bound so I hope it holds true.
Very cool, those plants are already monsters...cant wait to see what happens when they hit the dirt...
Rairdog said:
Tomato's, sweet peppers along with Habs and Serrano are hardened off and ready to hit the dirt.  It is supposed to stay above 55 for a week after Saturday.  They are flowering and about to get root bound so I hope it holds true.
I'm two hours north of you and in the same boat... although my plants don't look as nice.  
Runescape said:
Very cool, those plants are already monsters...cant wait to see what happens when they hit the dirt...
The 3 rows in back are in 1 gal pots and I can lift them out by the stem.  The Martino Romas have small fruits forming.  My motto this year was "when in doubt...up-pot".   The front ones were started later and the timing seems good.  
capsidadburn said:
Looks great Jim! Good luck with the plant out.
Thanks!  I wish the hots were that big.  I will be on it next year. 
NeedsWork said:
I'm two hours north of you and in the same boat... although my plants don't look as nice.  
If you were closer....I got way too many and would gladly give you some.  I already pimped the hood and family.  Good luck this year.