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Rancor's 2011 Grow

Hello all. I've been a lurker on these forums for quite some time, and I figured now would be as good as ever to start up my grow log. I have pictures of earlier on in the season somewhere around here, but I'm feeling a bit lazy today. Here's pics taken earlier today:

Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Orange Thai

Jalepeno snuck some flowers by me

Said Jalapeno

Cowhorn Pepper, bought as a wee plant from the local garden store

Fajita Bell, also from garden store

More pics:

Same Fajita Bell

Sweet Banana Pepper, purchased as a wee plant from the local Lowe's

Orange Thai

2nd, larger Orange Thai

Purple Serrano
Those pictures are a few days old now, turns out I lied. Ha. It's been gloomy and cloudy here since yesterday. As soon as the sun peaks out again I'll get some fresh pics. The little ones are growing ravenously.

Here's some pics from yesterday I snapped before the sky fell out:

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Sweet Banana

Orange Thai 2

Orange Thai 1

Ripe Cow Horn
Lookin good, get some of those babies started sooner next year and you can get a couple of harvests from them.
I'm kind of worried if I started them too late to get much of anything out of 'em. Those tiny peppers were ordered much too late to get a good start on 'em, but I've still got plenty of seeds left for next year.

Halfway through, I made the switch to Smartpots and Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. The peppers in the smartpots took off like rockets. The cayenne was the first I put in one, and I was sold on them shortly after.