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Random facts

Pepper fact: The feeling of heat when eating a hot pepper is an exclusively mammalian trait. This is because the digestive systems of mammals in areas where peppers evolved were strong enough to digest the seeds, so pepper plants eventually evolved capsaicin which binded to the heat receptors in mammals as a deterrent. However, the digestive system of birds, which lack the same heat receptor to which capsaicin binds, making them utterly immune to the heat, were perfect for the eating of the pepper pods and dispersing of the seeds.
Lawyers can tell that you hate them ,to get even they pic you for the jury on cases that are supposed to last until hell freezes over.
It happened today....
Movie fact: in the scene with the bunker filled with guns for the Nicholas Cage movie "Lord of War", the guns shown are real, fully functional AK-47's. The production crew discovered it was actually significantly cheaper to just buy real AK-47's from local gunrunners than it was to make prop guns. They were later destroyed to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Presidential fact: Thomas Jefferson died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Also, he so hated his time as President that he intentionally left it off his tombstone.

Weather fact: The word "hurricane" comes from the Spanish pronunciation for the Taino Indian storm god Jurangan.
Physics fact: Neutronium is an actual material, composed of what is called "degenerate matter", or matter compressed by the force of gravity (usually as a result of a supernova) to such a point where the electrons and protons combine into neutrons, with no space between the particles. Because of this incredible density (normally atoms contain a great deal of empty space between the nucleus & electrons orbiting), a teaspoon of neutronium would weigh about 100 billion tons on Earth, and if dropped, would impact the ground at many millions of times the force of all the nuclear weapons ever produced.
And to put it in scale, if all the space in all the atoms of Earth were removed, Earth would be between a pea and orange in size, but would have the same gravitational pull...
elcap1999 said:
Movie fact: in the scene with the bunker filled with guns for the Nicholas Cage movie "Lord of War", the guns shown are real, fully functional AK-47's. The production crew discovered it was actually significantly cheaper to just buy real AK-47's from local gunrunners than it was to make prop guns. They were later destroyed to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
for some reason i knew that?   i think years ago i was all stonned and watched some extras on the dvd? :rofl:
ill have to brush up on my physics befor i give you a like on that ;)
Historical fact: Under Spartan law, only soldiers that died in battle and women that died in childbirth were allowed to have tombstones as both acts were seen as sacrifices for the sake of Sparta. In addition, any baby found to look sickly, deformed or small was literally thrown off a cliff and left to die, regardless of the wishes of the parents.

In addition, Spartans were barred from the wrestling event at the ancient Olympics because too many of their opponents were crippled, blinded or killed due to their extensive military conditioning.
The Spartan woman had much the same rights as her male conterpart.                                                                     Spartan women, of the citizenry class, enjoyed a status, power, and respect that was unknown in the rest of the classical world.
Girls were fed the same food as their brothers. Not confined to their father's house and prevented from exercising or getting fresh air, and exercised and even competed in sports. Rather than being married off at the age of 12 or 13, Spartan law forbade the marriage of a girl until she was in her late teens or early 20s.
Unlike Athenian women who wore heavy, concealing clothes and were rarely seen outside the house, Spartan women wore dresses (peplos) slit up the side to allow freer movement and moved freely about the city, either walking or driving chariots. Girls as well as boys exercised, possibly in the nude, and young women as well as young men may have participated in the Gymnopedia ("Festival of Nude Youths").
They also were also literate and numerate. As a result of their education and the fact that they moved freely in society engaging with their fellow (male) citizens, were notorious for speaking their minds even in public.
They also controlled their own properties, and those of their husbands. It is estimated that in later Classical Sparta, women were the sole owners of at least 35% of all land and property in Sparta. The laws regarding a divorce were the same for both men and women.
And here's another Greek fact: The word "marathon" is derived from the Battle of Marathon, in which a force from Athens defeated a much larger Persian force (this pre-dated the Battle of Thermopalye and later Battle of Plataea by over a decade). A runner was sent dispatched from Marathon to Athens, a distance of a little over 26 miles, to tell the city the Athenians had won, hence the length of a marathon being set at 26.2 miles.
One thing that is usually lost to history is that the runner, upon telling the city of the Athenian victory, dropped dead from exhaustion.
Animal fact: The liver of an adult polar bear (male or female) contains so much Vitamin A, humans that eat anything more than a couple bites will require hospitalization for acute Vitamin A overdose.
Medical fact: Penicillin was discovered from a mold growth on the surface of a cantaloupe a researcher had left out for too long. During WWII, scientists smuggled the mold spores needed to create penicillin out of England to the US by impregnating their clothes with the spores. Enough of the spores survived to produce massive amounts of the antibiotic, saving countless lives from infection during and after the war.
smokemaster said:
Lawyers can tell that you hate them ,to get even they pic you for the jury on cases that are supposed to last until hell freezes over.
It happened today....
you didnt try hard enough.....any question they ask....... you hate it or those people and you want to just stick it to someone so they get many years in prison or the death penalty.( not that you'd wish that upon someone, its just to get out of jury duty...LOL)
not that you are against anything they ask you. they just  dont want you in the jury then, or at least one of them wont want you, both need to accept the jury.
elcap1999 said:
Medical fact: Penicillin was discovered from a mold growth on the surface of a cantaloupe a researcher had left out for too long. During WWII, scientists smuggled the mold spores needed to create penicillin out of England to the US by impregnating their clothes with the spores. Enough of the spores survived to produce massive amounts of the antibiotic, saving countless lives from infection during and after the war.
Mould had been used since ancient times as a treatment for wounds and infections in Greece and India. Tetracycline has been found in Nubian mummy bones(it readily binds to Ca). Their beer was likely laced with it since everyone drank beer often, starting as early as age two.
Pasteur in 1877 noticed when moulds contaminated Anthrax cultures the cultures were inhibited. Some sources (no doubt French ;) ) say he ID'ed it as Penicillin notatum. LaGarré in 1887 confirmed the results.
Animal fact: A number of species of crows and ravens will watch human neighborhoods, and within a couple weeks, will be able to know those to avoid and will treat them badly, and those who will be nice to them. In addition, besides chimps, bonobos, and some species of dolphin, most crows & ravens have been shown to have fun for no other reason than to have fun. They can also recognize themselves in a mirror, have been shown to make and use tools, and a couple species are notorious packrats, while others are neophobes.
Music fact: Jon Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora were unintentionally responsible for creating MTV unplugged. Their acoustic rendition of "Livin' On A Prayer" and "Wanted Dead Or Alive" at the 1989 MTV Video Music Awards proved so popular that MTV decided to make it into a series.
Same here. I want music videos back on my MTV....
Historical fact: While the United States was the first country to formally adopt a Constitution as it's highest national law, the 2nd to do so (and the first in Europe) was Poland on May 3rd, 1791, barely 3 weeks after the US officially adopted its Constitution. May 3rd is now an official holiday in Poland, and in conjunction with the May 1st Labor Day holiday, those two dates surround a popular timeframe for most Poles to take vacations with their families.
New movie fact: In the movie "This Is The End", the party scene where Michael Cera was supposed to grab Rihanna's butt was initially set up so that Cera would stop just short and Rihanna wouldn't actually hit him, but given the confined space of the house, the crew couldn't get the camera angles right for both actions to look realistic. So Cera & Rihanna agreed that if Cera could really grab her butt, Rihanna could actually slap him. Unfortunately for Cera, Rihanna was slapping him harder with each take because by the end of the night of filming, she was getting tired of him grabbing her butt.
Roman facts: Under Roman law, Roman citizens could only be put to death in cases of high treason, and even if convicted, they couldn't be crucified, nor could they be tortured or whipped for lesser crimes.
Prior to 212 AD, only those who were resided on the Italian Peninsula, and a few others in other provinces, such as local nobles and selected officials could be considered full citizens of Rome. But with the edict of Emperor Caracalla, all free people within the Roman Empire officially became full citizens.