• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

randyp SW Iowa 2015 not corn grow.

    Time to knock the dust off the keypad and practice with the camera I got at the end of last season.My seed list is ready but still needs taken down a bit.I will say (judy) is going to have her own section in my garden and Hence forth shall be stated in my updates as(The Judy Wing).Also I have some seeds from my good buddy Dew(thanks Scott).One more shout out to Chris(Joyners powders friggin rock)as I will be introducing his ""Mystery Wine""to some good old dark Iowa soil.
    Alabama Jack,your puree basic recipe is the one I now will be using to preserve peppers for sauces that I don't dry,send to our friends on this site or torment my people at the factory with.It's so simple that I can move your numbers up or down and get the same results.I will be doing a better job this year on weights and measurements to not only help me but anyone checking in so if they see something I need to adjust,we have accurate numbers to go by.
   Starting nursery first week of March,plant out date first week of May.
All will be from seed this year.My first two years I bought some live plants,after I did my first start with seeds last year,I found they were more prepared and thrived because they had been in my control from the start.I do think highly of"chiliplants"and would send anyone looking for a healthy plant or new types to consult them.
      I look forward to watch other glogs,as we fight the weather,bugs,and other thing's the Wrath of God sends our way.
   Good luck to all.
  If I can get my seed from the "Growdown"to be as tall as the corn here I will be a happy man. :party:
Puree --
2100 gr  peppers
1260 ml wht,vinegar
2tbls sea salt
7tbls honey
I found my new roaster perfect for this,as i ruin more pans trying to cook on a burner.(get a good one)
Use nothing but plastic utensils,I set temp at 275 degrees and adjusted up or down according to my simmer.
cooked down just a bit not 1/3rd for this batch.I am still toying with what works for me.
Waterbath jars.This made 3qts and 1pt(i will never,never cook puree or any heavy on the peppers stuff in the house again.lesson learned.)
thanks again AJ
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   quick garden run before my gotta do list begins for weekend,Fridays are days i will be doing my stuff because college football starts next week and saturdays I am all about that.
jays reds are coming along

red 7pot xxx choco ghost




huge red bhut


love this massive pod producer white hab,(got seeds from pod Scott(dew)sent me last year)

overall shot with my LOT plants on the right.

Thanks for checking in,Welcome all the new lookers.More the better.
+1 on that Rick!
Randy also sent me some "Mega Pods" Simply humongous!
My daughter has my camera, pics when I get it back ;)
ThePepperTrent said:
Beautiful shot of your garden man, no wonder those pods are huge. 
What type of tomatoes are those to the right Randy?
  Heirlooms,They took the place of some peppers that were not going to make it to frost,I think those are German Giants
They look good man. I have a bunch of heirloom seeds but never started any. I have some Paul Robesons that I have heard are really good. I think I will give em a try next year. Pretty sure I have some German Giants too.
Anyways, they look good man. It seems that set up works real well for you...
Gee Randy, you're really in the money now! If you don't enter those bad boys in your county fair it'll be a waste! I'm lovin' your smoky powder for sure... I love it on my morning "eye-opener" egg sammie! :drooling:
Overall shot of the pepper trees,a couple Toms on the right.I start harvesting the middle of the plants starting next week.All pods have been pulled with me laying on the ground.I am going to prune all branches without a developed pod,so I can divert the energy on the 1000 or so pods still to go.
DSCF8258  overall 9-11.jpg

7pot xx choco ghost
DSCF8260 &-pot xx choco bhut 9-11.jpg

choco bhut
DSCF8265choco 9-11.jpg

jays red finaly
DSCF8268jays red 9-11.jpg

yellow bhut xx 7pot
DSCF8270yellow bhut xx 7pot 911.jpg

some dude wth a bad harcut
DSCF8271reaper mend 911.jpg


whte 7pot
DSCF8275white 7pot 911.jpg


ryley keeping the cats at bay.
DSCF8285ryley 9-11-15.jpg
Hi Randy! I made quesadillas for lunch today so I could try out your Twister sauce and powder... both had excellent heat and flavor! It's obvious that your started with quality ingredients and kept the preparation simple to really highlight the star of the show... your Bhuts. You nailed it guy!  :flamethrower:  :drooling:
stickman said:
Hi Randy! I made quesadillas for lunch today so I could try out your Twister sauce and powder... both had excellent heat and flavor! It's obvious that your started with quality ingredients and kept the preparation simple to really highlight the star of the show... your Bhuts. You nailed it guy!  :flamethrower:  :drooling:
  Thank you Rick.When I first started I was doing fruit and all kinds of crap.I mellowed and now try to hit a hardcore Bloody Mary Mix..Sweet and simple(peppers,garlic little vinegar maybe some Worshishistrrfrshjkshgjakjh  IRE sauce.lol