• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

randyp SW Iowa 2015 not corn grow.

    Time to knock the dust off the keypad and practice with the camera I got at the end of last season.My seed list is ready but still needs taken down a bit.I will say (judy) is going to have her own section in my garden and Hence forth shall be stated in my updates as(The Judy Wing).Also I have some seeds from my good buddy Dew(thanks Scott).One more shout out to Chris(Joyners powders friggin rock)as I will be introducing his ""Mystery Wine""to some good old dark Iowa soil.
    Alabama Jack,your puree basic recipe is the one I now will be using to preserve peppers for sauces that I don't dry,send to our friends on this site or torment my people at the factory with.It's so simple that I can move your numbers up or down and get the same results.I will be doing a better job this year on weights and measurements to not only help me but anyone checking in so if they see something I need to adjust,we have accurate numbers to go by.
   Starting nursery first week of March,plant out date first week of May.
All will be from seed this year.My first two years I bought some live plants,after I did my first start with seeds last year,I found they were more prepared and thrived because they had been in my control from the start.I do think highly of"chiliplants"and would send anyone looking for a healthy plant or new types to consult them.
      I look forward to watch other glogs,as we fight the weather,bugs,and other thing's the Wrath of God sends our way.
   Good luck to all.
  If I can get my seed from the "Growdown"to be as tall as the corn here I will be a happy man. :party:
Puree --
2100 gr  peppers
1260 ml wht,vinegar
2tbls sea salt
7tbls honey
I found my new roaster perfect for this,as i ruin more pans trying to cook on a burner.(get a good one)
Use nothing but plastic utensils,I set temp at 275 degrees and adjusted up or down according to my simmer.
cooked down just a bit not 1/3rd for this batch.I am still toying with what works for me.
Waterbath jars.This made 3qts and 1pt(i will never,never cook puree or any heavy on the peppers stuff in the house again.lesson learned.)
thanks again AJ
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2015-01-18 010.JPG

Rymerpt said:
I wanna use yourgarden to play hide and seek. Look at the massive plants! GREAT GLOG!!!!!
  Thanks for swingin in Rym...I actually spaced the rows more this year because last year i had to crawl between the row to pic.
Ozzy2001 said:
Your pods sure look purdy.. Very well done!
 Thanks Ozzy.I started using kelp this year,And an automatic drip system so all the plants get the same water.
romy6 said:
Simply ........ Amazing  :fireball:  :dance:  :onfire:  :party:
  Smoke and Mirrors my good friend,that and i pounded them with fish emulsion.kelp,epsom salt.turtle poop,and wings off of mosquitos. :shh:
Starting to work up the plants.Lots and lots of green  pods need to ripen in a hurry
DSCF8354gren pods.jpg

Toms are gone,I did not want their funki-ness to spread to the peppers(bugs,leaf spot)



red 7pot xx choco bhut

DSCF8368red 7pot xx choco bhut.jpg

yellow morugas
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my jalapenos are going red

  Many thanks guys for the good vibes.Frost is around the corner,It will be sad when it comes and the plants are still pounding out pods.My neighbors are all but done and are in envy of my late season harvest.I will start earlier next year hoping it gives them more time.
Red Hot 7pots

mutant red something or other. :shh:

yellow bhut

red bhuts are over 5 inches

red jalapenos

garden shot of pure jungle,The bubblegum has taken over the entire front box.You can see the red pods

Have a great week 
   Hello my friends the END IS NEAR.I have a couple more weeks by nursing the cool air when it comes.It was a great season and I made lots of improvements(drip-lines and rowed beds) that will make growing not just peppers but any edible produce i take a liking to so much easier.Thanks to all of you for your tips and good vibes,Terry,Rick,Jamie and all of you that swung in to Sw.Iowa'
  On to the pics.Chris,Florisa,Buddy,and Ken these are just some of what will be in the last boxes I send out this year,I hope you all are happy when they arrive.
odd cross
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7pot xx choco bhut
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yellow bhut
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choco bhut
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trinidad scorpion
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yellowbhut xx 7pot
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jsschrstrcks said:
Looking forward to it :)

ken i will do my best to get you a nice box..Thanks for stoppin in.
tctenten said:
Cheers on another great year Randy!
Thanks Terry.I will be sending ya something during the winter if my saucing skills improve.Your a good seed buddy,take care.
Amazing podage this next season have permission to rip up the back yard so I now have a 70 x 85 foot grow area hope I can get a quarter of what I see in the photos above
Randy - Thank you so much for an awesome introduction to real peppers! The powder has me crying over a literally mouth watering breakfast every morning. I lacked the skills to perform any culinary magic with the pods and fell short of the courage to eat one on youtube after sampling raw slivers so I ended up crushing most of them. Perhaps not an imaginative use but what wonderful properties and flavor plus a light sprinkle was sure able to make even a cheese pizza suddenly interesting!
You will be hearing from me when the bag gets low!
mralaska said:
Randy - Thank you so much for an awesome introduction to real peppers! The powder has me crying over a literally mouth watering breakfast every morning. I lacked the skills to perform any culinary magic with the pods and fell short of the courage to eat one on youtube after sampling raw slivers so I ended up crushing most of them. Perhaps not an imaginative use but what wonderful properties and flavor plus a light sprinkle was sure able to make even a cheese pizza suddenly interesting!
You will be hearing from me when the bag gets low!
    Paul my plants may be pulled but I have lots of powders to keep us going until next season buddy.
It was bitter sweet pulling plants I started from seed in Febuary
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