• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


nah mate we are'nt allowed to have them cos they look too much like real guns and we have some very strict gun laws down here in oz, if you want to even just get an air refle you have to jump through hoops to get a license.
Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller 2 Pack . Repels Rodents, Rats and Mice (A...
Non Toxic Pest Control Operates on average on less than .20 cents per month. Repels rodents in rooms up to approximately 800 square feet Ultrasonic signal constantly modulates between 32 and 62 kHz so rodents cannot adapt Powerful 110db output as measured from one meter distance from the speaker
I was building a house out in the country where a old feed store was for 30 yrs and there was rats everywhere coming out of holes in the ground all over in all directions. So I took 5 gal. of gas and poured some down each hole one evening before we shut down for the day , then threw a match in one holes and fingers of fire flew up everywhere. Rats then proceeded to come running and hopping all over the place and I started shooting at them with a framing gun!! I though they was going to set the woods on fire just a bunch of balls of fire jumping and running! They finally ran out of gas and stopped running!!!
Ha Nickk

I have also had that problem! they do like the hot ones as well, not sure if the heat affects them ( like no sweat glands) or maybe there just mouse chili heads.

I know they can devastate a plant in no time at all! I left on plant on the garden shelf for nest years seed, went out in the spring and it looked like judgment day, every pepper was eaten, but they wouldn't eat the seeds. and those where Fatalii, Good luck with the traps.

one thing that I found is that mice have a very sensitive smell and do not like moth balls, I threw a few of those at the bottom of every plant, the munching stopped! just a thought

Cheers Spicy Chicken

You at all worried that the plant migt have absorbed some of that chem.. (dichorolbenzene.. spelling?) older ones used naphilene.. again spelling..?