Rats - They are eating my Foodarama Scotch Bonnets


I have had issues with rats eating my pods for the past several years...they eat heat levels up to scotch bonnets ....

I have a dog, and most of my neighbors do also...

Does anyone know any way, other than traps and poisoning, that will get rid of the rats?
3 cups of black coffee, a sleeping bag, shotgun, ammo, Shooters Digest and a deep hatred for vermin. J/K.

Why don't you want to go traps AJ? I can understand the poison with your dog around.

Can you lace some bait with over proof alcohol and when they are 'happy' remove them to a safe wake up area...?
I have traps, but I want something quicker I suppose...sticky traps, large rat traps, mouse traps...geez...I think I am going to make some live catch traps today...

it would be hard for my dog to step on the traps since they are in a closed area he can't get in plus they are in the raised bed itself...
Them sticky traps seem to work well. I'd bait em with a little piece of an apple or peanut butter. Hell they eat just about anything we eat. Have a five gallon bucket full of water and drown the little bastards.
headed to home depot in a few minutes to get more traps...got 5 out but need another 5...just found they have moved to my yellow scorpions and just ruining the pods and not eating them...just chewing a small piece...
Before this ends up like the last thread...
Post in a geek/nerd/animal lovers/4 chan /an thread for them to come over and catch their own future pet before you post what you otherwise plan to do.
Or just PM dave2000
If it even goes that direction, I will report that person, no matter who it is...period...

I have an issue and am going to deal with it....

Next step is to sprinkle some corn starch in my beds and around my plants to see where these things are running....I got an idea but need to pin it down for maximum effective placement of traps...
Sorry, not giving you a hard time, I just hope the thread doesn't go that way, as I think the 'instigator' of all that is still a member here for some unknown reason.

But best of luck and I hope you get rid of them *somehow*
Pablo, I understand your point and am well aware of the issues that have occured on the forum over the past few months...

I sure as the heck won't post pictures of my quarry...that's just wrong....
I'd search the NW corner by your pots AJ. They could be hiding back in all that.

"Bounce: You can deter mice and rats by placing sheets of Bounce Classic around the bags of seed, attached to stakes in the garden, or around stored equipment. The oleander fragrance in Bounce Classic repels rodents. Castor Oil: To repel mice and rats, mix 1/2 cup castor oil and two gallons water; use the solution to water your vegetable garden. The castor oil enriches the soil while simultaneously repulsing rodents."
If a cat is out of the question, how about a large bird?

There are some products available that claim to repel rather than eliminate,
no cats...Ike would keep them run off....

no birds...too much BS...

I have 10 traps in place...

Let it suffice to say, I will keep on using the traps...

@woody...that area was cleaned up about 3 weeks ago...I have a little creek one lot away from me and am sure there are bunches of them there...
what a shame, not to be able to enjoy the fruit of a foodrama, of the several types of yellow bonnets i have on the go, the foodrama is by far the larger and stronger of the bunch.

AJ, is fencing or some type of a protective barrier out of the question? (i scanned your grow log but couldn't see how the plants were situated - you have so many!)

we don't get rats in our province, in fact, they are illegal to own. we do get mice and i had a similar issue in my strawberry patch, a healthy dusting of habanero powder has seemed to ward them off - the dog was puking for a day, my guess, she went to her favourite mouse patch and got a mouth full. last year the dog trampled most of the strawberries trying to get at the mice. plus, merlin falcons nest in my area along with magpies, and some badass size ravens. feral cats are everywhere and it's not uncommon for me to look outside and see a cat sitting on my composter.

what about talking with conservation officers to see if putting up a hawk/falcon/osprey nesting grounds around the creek is doable - they could install a webcam and let world watch as chicks grow. many cities are doing this and it helps with pigeon control.

good luck and hope you find a solution soon.
AJ per chance is your dog neutered? If he is the pests may not detect him as a predator. Our neighbors have problems with possum,raccoon, groundhogs and even a few river rats.

We have never had a single problem... probably due to the uneutered Bullmastiff on patrol.

Did you try dehydrated coyote urine?
10 traps out baited with peanut butter and they are doing the job...

thanks for all the suggestions...

yup, my buddy Ike is neutered, but I ain't :lol:
I had the same issue last year. I purchased a pellet gun with a scope and used to pile up my daily kill like I was on a hunting expedition. They had tunnels all under my rows and were doing serious damage to the root system as well as eating the pods. I took out an entire family, perhaps generation. They have not returned this year.
Between snakes and birds, coyotes and ocelots, the rats don't stand much of a chance around here.
It's fun to hear"that"squeal out on the planters at 3 am and go see who caught what. Usually boas, micas or hog nose vipers.
Most of the "rat" snakes here actually eat more frogs,smaller snakes, jumbo beetles and lizards than anything else.

If you're worried about dogs and snap traps just put the trap inside of some lg. PVC or an open ended coffee size can right up against a building.They always run along side of something.</p>