Ok. I do not know what the hell is going on here, but I have 2 very weird plants here. From the start. Last June I planted a couple of Reaper and 7 Pot Jonah seeds just for fun and to test viability. So they started and I put them into cups relatively early in their lives. I later put the Reaper into a 4" pot, and left the other in the cup. They were both about 3-4" tall in the fall, and I did not want to just kill them, so I brought them inside and kept them alive. They did each drop a few leaves, but did stay alive, and still are. Only thing though, is that they did not grow any at all since they were brought indoors. My new plants all started this year have grown to a minimum of 5 times the size already. What gives? Is it time I call it quits and trash them, or wait them out till I put them outside and finally put them in the ground? They are not really in the way. Again, the 2 plants are no huge deal to me as all my new ones are doing fine. Thank you.