recipe Recipe/Foods to use pepper powder with.

Looking for cooking ideas for some powder. Anything from full blown meals that make good use of powder to something simple like french fries or nuts.
I feel like I've probably already done a lot of them but there has to be some stuff I wouldn't even think about.
Everything, really. the trick is finding which powder goes best with the food. but with the diversity of all the peppers out there, there is a powder for everything.
Try brown moruga with your next cup of hot chocolate. or 7 pot burgundy on cold fruit salad.
What ^^^^ said!  Pepper powders can go on and into anything.  Just think of how you add salt.   and black pepper... and garlic powder.... and then add "chile powder"...
I do  agree that after some tasting and experience you will be able to choose different chile powders for different dishes. 
I like some fatalii powder in some hot soup in a Thermos taken to a job site in the freezing winter. 
ShowMeDaSauce said:
A simple one that i enjoy
Toasted chick peas. All you need is a can of chick peas, salt, some pepper powder, garlic powder and some olive oil. Remove any skins left on the chick peas and rinse them. Let them dry off on a paper towel or two and lightly coat in olive oil. Season as desired and toast in the oven till crunchy. They are best if eaten the same day.
Sounds great! I'm going to have to try this.

But yeah, what isn't powder good on?

This is a really obvious one to you muricans, but I really love fried chicken covered in smokey, spicy goodness.
Here's another way to think about it. What do you not want to use hot sauce on? Use powders instead.
Like, pasta and with meat sauce for example. No need to add vinegar or lime or sugar or whatever is in various hot sauces, crushed and powders rock here, in the sauce, or just on top. So if you've ever stood at the fridge looking for the right hot sauce for a meal (and I've stood for awhile!), don't forget about those powders!
I find that I really enjoy powders on salads. Good call.
I know some people add that stuff to ice cream. I wonder what it tastes like? I haven't had ice cream in a couple years lol. Might just try it.