recipe-help Recipe: Salsa, Sauce, anything, quick and easy anyone?

I can get any type of pepper (as long as I can get it from a local meijers up here in Detroit ;) ) and I need it for a class project, so, just any idea's will be helpful, thanks.
Okie, There are recipes all over the board, simply type "recipe" into the search function and you'll get a list of quick and easy recipes to choose from.

DEFCON Creator said:
Pulp about 3 pounds of orange habaneros. Drain the fluid, and serve to the teacher you hate most. Tell them it's medicinal. ;)
HAHAHAHA! Wait...why didn't I think of doing that when I was in school...
DEFCON Creator said:
Pulp about 3 pounds of orange habaneros. Drain the fluid, and serve to the teacher you hate most. Tell them it's medicinal. ;)

Truley Evil, my friend... truley evil.

I Love It!!!
i was kinda thinking the same thing but mash up one tomato and add one bottle of blairs 3 am and put that bowl on a larger plate and surrond with those scoop chips.
quick easy and to the point :shock: