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kitchenware Recommend a blender?

I just got into a TALK with my wife because she was trying to be nice and get me a Blender from the circus guy pitching at Costco she paid $300 bucks for his Blendtec I told her not to buy it till I researched it. Well she shelled it out. I was just trying to be nice and tell her not to buy from a pitch man lol .. Anyone Recommend a blender in the 300 range so I can sleep tonight?
When your wife is trying to be nice, you don't have many options, and you should just say "Thanks, Honey!". For 300 bucks it's got to be pretty good. My wife bought me a Ninja ...something. I like it, but the plastic pitchers get flavored with heat, so she doesn't ever use it. (Kinda a win-win). Got no idea what it cost, but I really like it.
Yea I just get scared when a guy is doing basically an Infomercial in a store I tried to look it up and really could not find any written reviews just 4.5 stars and no comments. I'm really good at sticking my foot in my mouth apparently. 
Gargoyle91 said:
Yea I just get scared when a guy is doing basically an Infomercial in a store ….
I'm with you on that - I dislike sales pitches with a passion. Give me facts any day, please. 
Even if you read the "most helpful" negative review on Amazon, you'll see towards the bottom that things changed after the individual wrote it. All appliances have good and bad points, no getting around that, no matter how fancy or expensive. 
Yep....hell with salesmen. They're selling overpriced gadgets. I like to think I'm immune to their efforts. But your wife thought of you and bought it. Grit your teeth and just say thank you
She was trying to be nice. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth or you'll be sleeping on the couch. Thank her and use it. :)

Worst thing in the world is when people critique the gift you got them.

Even if it's both your money. It doesn't matter!

Okay, unless it's a house or a boat. ;)
Blentec kicks butt and is probably 2nd only to Vitamix (which is more in the $400+ range). Those two are the pro/consumer leaders, and Costco is very definitely going to have a great price with or without the demo guy. In distant 3rd is probably the Ninja Ultra.
My $200 Ninja Ultima Kitchen System blender can hang with any $300+ blender ...;) at least from what I have witnessed with my friends who have the vita mix....
Yea I was nice and talked to her.. We are returning it #1 you can't take the blades out to clean it, says just put water in and blend and BAM clean blender (yea from the pitch man) I was like dear you know me by the time I'm done with anything I'm a sleep on the couch and by the time I wake up that's going to be caked on and if I cant take it apart it's not so good. #2 Don't like the electronic buttons those will fail a lot more then physical buttons. She understood and yea I will pay some how somewhere I will pay.
sp33d said:
My $200 Ninja Ultima Kitchen System blender can hang with any $300+ blender ... ;) at least from what I have witnessed with my friends who have the vita mix....
We have the same blender and I'm very happy wit it so far.
Scoville DeVille said:
Remember this guy?
He told his wife to never buy him a Cuisinart. She did and he complained.
This is him after...
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
OK that is funny!