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Recommended herbs to grow?

A less common one that can be grown from seed is Summer Savory. I grow it every year. It's kind of similar to Sweet Marjoram, Thyme or Oregano in flavor. I also grow the perennial version, Winter Savory in my herb bed, and it was wintersown from seed as well.

Sowed 6 kinds of basil so far, Mrs. Burn's Lemon, Lime, Red Rubin, Dwarf Greek, Summerlong, and Super Sweet Chen. Can't wait for fresh basil again!
I'm growing chives, oregano, boxwood basil, sweet basil, tarragon and lemon balm in my aquaponics. Got rosemary and thyme growing in pots.
cinnamon basil is great for spicy pesto. the cinnamonish flavor serves as a nice bridge between the basil flavor and the pepper spiciness.
nice herb garden you got there. :)
Thank you! It has gradually evolved. Started out as a Wichita juniper and a couple of perennial mums, then I stuck a couple of herbs in there. When I kept adding more and more herbs, I dug up the juniper (no easy task BTW), and the mums. The rhubarbs take up too much room, but I can't seem to find a more suitable spot in the yard, so they are semi-permanent residents.
Id try some purple varieties of basil and oregano. And parsley, that grows really fast. Al herbs are slow to start but then they take off and you cant stop them.
Yarrow. I grow it simply to crush and mix in with my Fert Tea's and into my compost.
Also Borrage.

Both are also medicinal and Borrage leaves are tasty in salad.